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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. Ill probably pick one up for if the price is $280
  2. Okay I have some rustoleum matte clear coat and it come out kinda thick and doesn't seem to mix very well so I've shaken it really well and still no dice, is there any safe way i can kinda warm it up to make it thinner
  3. I saw this car the other day in the Work Wheels catalog and it was awesome! But I couldn't find a picture. I really like this modification.
  4. What about tightening the cruise control wire thing ?
  5. Well I think glass fenders are in the future, but until then I'm just stripping these fenders and primering them.
  6. Well I went to a junk yard the other day and picked up some early S130 taillights and took them apart, cleaned them up, repainted, and replaced. Freshly removed Interior Lenses Trim painted and lenses cleansed All installed. I think these look much better then the old one with stripes.
  7. Okay so on the bottom of my friends 510 fender theres this rust from where the molding was mounted. here is the back side What do you suggest I do about th is, try and repair then bondo or would it be best just to get new fenders? the other one looks similar to this.
  8. I'm staying with stock ECU so I'm pretty much keeping everything stock performance wise.
  9. Why don't they just use fake grass for the golf courses. I mean it would cost more for the grass, but you don't have to water it and you don't have to mow it. seems win win to me.
  10. Ouch, hope everything ends up okay, best of wishes.
  11. Okay so i bought 6 old but never used fuel injectors from a member here off ebay. And I have no reason to doubt him, so that's not what this tread is about. and I've come across quite a few part umbers for stock nissan non-turbo fuel injectors and I'm confused as to what I have. Part numbers: My injectors- 16603-N7616 Ebay- 16603-Y8018 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-260z-280z-280ZX-300ZX-Fuel-Injectors-NOS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33554QQihZ019QQitemZ290172119003QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW#ebayphotohosting Courtesy parts- 16603-7583Y http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=16603-7583Z hybridz.org- 188 ( ? ) http://forums.hybridz.org/showpost.php?p=728466&postcount=1 Now my injectors are not brown, so that leads me to believe their not stock turbo. and on the side of the connector says A46-000001 which I don't think means anything. any help would be great.
  12. Not sure where you're located but, I would assume that Opel parts are going to be harder and more expensive then the 240z
  13. http://fire.lacounty.gov/default.asp zoom out to see all of So Cal
  14. Lol that's what I do at my friends house simply because someones always in the bathroom, I justify myself by "saving water" and "killing weeds"
  15. Hey, know how you feel about the fire we got some up here in LA/OC too. Hopefully no lives or houses are lost down there (I am not sure what damage is done since I just hear fire fire fire on the radio and can't really distinguish the locations)
  16. So I convinced my friend to buy a Datsun 510. After looking at a few she decided on a daily driven 1972 510 4 Door. Anyways, the stock steering wheel was all messed up so we picked up a steering wheel off of a Datsun 610 And the front seats looked like this So we took the seats from a Datsun 710 and put those bad boys in with the 510 sliders. Those are original seats and have not been recovered, each ones has a small tear but the plan is get them reupholstered some time. Here's a shot of the engine bay. So far the main plan for the 510 is to get 4-Wheel disc brakes, Power brake booster, EFI, and a 5-Speed transmission.
  17. I have stock exhaust but I put a magnaflow on it and it's so quiet grr.
  18. Ouch man, Hey if you get evacuated, let me know, I'm in Corona, I usually mozy on down there when the 241 lights up because my brother lives there, so I'm used to it.
  19. those are nice looking, how would they fit on a 510 do you know ?
  20. I was told that it would be the difference between GL-5 and GL-4 which is what you need.
  21. Here is a picture of mine, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/snsforums/My%20Car/DSCF0275.jpg?t=1192928606 This is just chillin' on there I didn't glue it down or anything, but if I were you I would get the half dash cap because it will fit better, also even if it doesn't line up that well it will always look better then a carpet dash, at least in my opinion
  22. Hey guys thought I would let you guys in on this http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/pts/419097295.html OMG lol I thought it said $200 not $2000 haha what ever it's still there just thought it was cheaper
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