Okay, from what I read you want poly on the front and rubber on the back. BUT what I was trying to do was replace old rubber with new rubber. and there was no way I could have
Washer - Retainer - Bushing - Bracket - Bushing - Retainer - washer
and still have thread on the end. What I ended up doing was putting the old worn bushings back on and with a couple of C clamps I compressed them back in enough to get the retainer and nut (no washer) on which I then tightened enough to get the back 2 mounting bolts in with the help of a screw driver though one of the bolt holes for leverage then after those 2 bolts got in I un did the nut again and put the washer back on. so basically I wasted like 2 hours taking the rod apart and putting it back together with the old bushings. I don't know how I am going to get the new ones on.