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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. This is true, but even still I don't like the 350Z. I wouldn't mind having one, but... not really on the top of the list of cars for me to buy
  2. Is this car just going to be a big engine on a sedan chassis ? or is it a ground up sports car ?
  3. What ever ever we need something, I hate how on the510realm you can not search by thread title. Maybe wink wink a hybrid510.org lol
  4. Well I just ended up using some Penzoil 30w we had in the garage, man it only takes a little to fill it up with a strut. Now I need to get a wrench for the gland nut and hopefully that quiets everything down.
  5. Okay I think did a few things wrong first off, I've never done suspension before and the tokico kit did not come with instructions. What is he filling the strut tube with I did not put that "Oil" in and I will remove the spacers when time permits, mean while it's bum-a-ride-time. So first off what kind of oil is that and where do I get it. Second off is it needed for tokico HPs on a 83 280ZX ?
  6. Okay so I got my set of tokico struts and springs. Well anyways on the front it came with a gland nut and a washer, now with the washer the gland nut does not seat completely like this Now I tightened both of them pretty tight but the front right was making clunks so I looked and the nut was really loose. What should I do, remove the washer and torque the nut down or leave the washer and torque the nut down ? Sorry for the image quality.
  7. I did not know they weigh the same, but I heard that the 2dr has larger doors so that might make up for the difference, Anyways I' putting in the driver side seat right now. What did you have to do for the tach ? Perhaps this should be moved to PM unless the admins don't mind.
  8. Well I found a 710 wagon, 1975 I think, we just took the dash and the seats, we're not planning on taking other parts from it. really, why did you need some ? Were kind of taking this slow.
  9. Hey we need to stick together lol. Any mods you've done to it ? My friend just got a 71 4 door. We are in the process of swapping Datsun 710 Seats in then we're going to try and get a Datsun 710 Dash in there.
  10. I know of Dime Quarterly and The510realm but I was wondering if there was something more along the lines of this forum, but anything else would be cool.
  11. Well toyota did it a while back with their supras. Here's my friends This is a NA model as far as I know the Turbo models had smaller ones coupled with a small spoiler.
  12. I thought speed limits around corners are "suggested" since their in yellow speed limit signs, at least that is what the sheriff down the street said.
  13. They are 610 to 510 But they should both be R160
  14. Okay so I have a open R160 with a 4.1 rear end and a welded R160 with a 3.7. Is it possible for me to take the 3.7 gears out of the welded diff and put them in the 4.11 diff and end up with a 3.7 open diff ?
  15. Well it is a pull your own part. I'm in Corona CA, I can go see how much they cost for the axles buy them and you pay for that and shipping and maybe like $10 bucks to help recoup my $108.00 dollar mistake I made today haha
  16. Okay so at the junk yard today I found a 300ZX Turbo minus rear dif and a 1983 280ZXT but that was in a front end collision and the radiator and all those parts are pushed up to the front of the block so I don't think that part is salvageable, Also I found 2 maximas with the MN47 I'm presuming, just letting you know. Also we picked up a welded 3.7 rear diff out of a 610, i'm guessing it's a R160 or a R180, don't need it so if anyone wants to buy iti'm all ears. Also I found a CA18T thats complete as of noon today.
  17. Sadly we're not going to be shipping the dog.
  18. Is it a stock Z steering wheel ? might need one of those for a friends 510
  19. is that the one that had the motorcycle in it ?
  20. Yeah I know what you mean but the boxer who's name is boss (lol) kinda is too rough on the sub-compacts
  21. I do not know why the wife wouldn't approve of a family car that has all wheel drive and steering I mean those are pretty good safety features
  22. Hey guys a friend of mine has a young boxer dog that is I want to say between 1 and 2 years old. Not a puppy but still young. Anyways the dog has a lot of energy and the owner of the dog can't keep up with it and it always wants to play with the four other dogs in the house which are chihuahuas so the size different is painful lol. I don't know if their selling the dog or just giving it away but I am pretty positive they are just giving it away to a good home. so let me know. the dog is pretty cool just has a lot of energy. I'll see if I can get some pictures.
  23. Eh, that is is kinda cool with the key but i would think it would be weird having a huge screw driver handle to carry around.
  24. Okay so last Saturday I got my suspension installed I had so much fun doing it, it was great I didn't do a walk through or nothing but I should have I don't have any great pictures really. Although these guys helped me a whole bunch, We kept blaming the short guy for messing things up... like striping the rear sway bar mount so I had to grind it out and replace it
  25. haha i know what you mean. Last time i got a thumbs up it was from a old man on a bicycle.
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