This is how I got it back in 2005 for $5,000 (I know way too much money)
I immediately removed that stupid bra... I like my women topless. (The bra is up for grabs if anyone wants it FREE)
This is the inside. I've since removed that key pad thing, the steering wheel cover, the radio although if it worked properly I would have loved to keep it, the sheep skin seat covers, I now have red and black covers but the seats are in perfect condition.
The engine bay, I added the CAI, removed the injector cooling fan, the air horns. And I replaced the washer hoses.
Now all that stuff and removing the fog lights made it look pretty cool... like THIS (it's hiding behind a newer fake Z but still.)
Then i pretty much did not do anything to it besides replacing clutch and brake lines with SS lines. then I hit a guard rail so I had this big dent on my right rear fender that looked dumb, and another dent above the wheel when i decided I was so mad that I crashed that I would hit the body panel I thought I would have to replace anyways so I punched the car some more from the inside this time and painted the bare metal so I won't get rust and came up with this!
That's all for now but some major things in the works soon... got me some things to powercoat and suspension to install as well as my head light covers...