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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. This is how I got it back in 2005 for $5,000 (I know way too much money) I immediately removed that stupid bra... I like my women topless. (The bra is up for grabs if anyone wants it FREE) This is the inside. I've since removed that key pad thing, the steering wheel cover, the radio although if it worked properly I would have loved to keep it, the sheep skin seat covers, I now have red and black covers but the seats are in perfect condition. The engine bay, I added the CAI, removed the injector cooling fan, the air horns. And I replaced the washer hoses. Now all that stuff and removing the fog lights made it look pretty cool... like THIS (it's hiding behind a newer fake Z but still.) Then i pretty much did not do anything to it besides replacing clutch and brake lines with SS lines. then I hit a guard rail so I had this big dent on my right rear fender that looked dumb, and another dent above the wheel when i decided I was so mad that I crashed that I would hit the body panel I thought I would have to replace anyways so I punched the car some more from the inside this time and painted the bare metal so I won't get rust and came up with this! That's all for now but some major things in the works soon... got me some things to powercoat and suspension to install as well as my head light covers...
  2. There was this 2+2 I saw on here a while back and I can't find it but it was silver, had white lettering on the tires and was located somewhere in S. America if I remember correctly, does anyone know where that thread is ?
  3. Well I've not had a chance to look for rust, just peel up the floorboard carpet/look underneath. It also has no radio and the upholstery is going to need replacing. I'm thinking ~$750.00 this guy would make so much money just giving it to me because paying to store it at a storage place lol.
  4. It needs new paint, new tires it's been sitting for 10 years at a storage place by the 91 freeway. the odometer reads 44k, he says it's original because the old lady he bought it from didn't drive it much, and even if it's 144k that's not really bad. It has an automatic transmission, missing antenna. The owner doesn't know what it is worth and neither do I and would like to know so I can have another car alongside my 280ZX. I didn't see rust on the body, but I didn't get a chance to look underneath since the tires are flat and it's real low. If anyone is local to Corona/Norco and would like to look at it with me that would be cool.
  5. Also the MSA (which I assume you're talking about) cold air works but it would be far cheaper to get one off ebay and slap a K&N on it.
  6. yeah it's coming from the pedal. I'll look in my haynes manual to get a better picture of what your talking about.
  7. Okay so every now and then when I push my clutch in it will click about half way, it's a metallic click. it's been doing it for the past two weeks now and it's really bugging me, usually it will only do it for a few days. I'm full of clutch fluid and when I press the clutch in really fast I either don't hear/feel the click or it doesn't do it. Any ideas on what I should do ?
  8. Try this. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/cam/index.htm
  9. It's merlot! I spilled merlot on my pants.
  10. Okay I bought the red 4 cyl bottle. But I also noticed that the blue bottle of STP says it has ZDDP too and isn't "formulated" for 4 cyls if that makes a difference.
  11. The pictures look good and it's what I've been planning but when I see them on scions they look too small. Although I don't know what size they were. spokes don't seem to measure up.
  12. Okay to take the line off you want a flare nut wrench, could be kinda expensive ($18 at Sears) but it's what you need. Also the piston is threaded you have to turn it back in, I used an open pair of needle nose pliers but you can buy a tool specifically for it at kragen or other parts stores.
  13. Not sure if it applies but I remember hearing people say you have to connect the park/neutral wires so the computer thinks it can start
  14. I don't have mine installed or anything but I got my Tokico HP struts and springs on ebay for $350.00, I haven't gotten around to installing them yet though since I cant have down time on my only car. look for jdmwerks on ebay
  15. Well I first Liked Z's when I saw the movie "Blind Date" or something like that with Bruce Willis, but anyways I was rather young so didn't really know that much anyways. But my dad got me a poster of a car just like it (Z31). Then when I was in 9th grade Year 2000 I had to help my dad dig sago palms out of his friends house who had a 1983 280zx that was For Sale, but the funny part was it only had a for sale sign on it but it was parked in the garage which was never open. (So I'm guessing the wife wanted him to sell it but he didn't). So then when I was 17 I went with my dad back to that guys house to buy his fridge or something and what do you know... the car is still there. Anyways it was for $5k with 137,000 miles I later learned that 5k was too much but what ever, the only problems with it was the wind shield washers wouldn't spray. But now I'm the happy owner of a 1983 280ZX N/A that's red and has a nice sounding exhaust that is the combination of a magnaflow, no cat and an exhaust leak. and a quick look at my shelfs shows small piles of money I save just for my car.
  16. On my way to AZ I once saw two very similar HUGE 18 wheelers that were both a bright purple color and one of them had spinners all around, it was pretty crazy seeing it. I also didn't get any pictures.
  17. Maybe I got the wrong numbers for the stock tire size. What is the stock tire size of a 280zx rim (5 spoke) maybe that will help clarify I got the other number from zcar.com. I understand what your talking about now. It just looks like I have too much sidewall on my tires and theres a bunch of bulge too, I don't know I just don't think I have the right size tires for my car.
  18. At work (a jiffy lube type place) we use fuel injector cleaner (the real stuff that you put in a vacuum line) and it cleans stuff so good.
  19. You brake with your left foot ? or was that a typo ?
  20. How would I get bigger rims if I just change the tire ? And what are the benefits of that ?
  21. Okay so form what I read stock tire size for a 280zx is 205/60-15 and what I have on there now is P205/70-14 their Pirelli P400's what benefit would it be if I went from what I have to stock tire size ?
  22. Well if I put in 2000 Toyota Corolla as "My Car" at http://www.kragen.com it lists parts for a timing chain not a timing belt which is good news.
  23. Okay so at work I met this older lady with a 2000 Toyota Corolla VE (base model auto, manual windows/locks) with 182k miles. it has a small dent from someone backing into the fender but is only cosmetic. kbb puts the car at at least 3.5k and the lady said she was selling it for 1k which I think is a steal. so what should I look for on the car? obviously if it leaks oil I can get a free serpentine belt at work so that's no worry. just nay thing to look for would be good.
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