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Everything posted by Darrel

  1. We had one at our track dy in colorado this past saturday. He was leaking auto tranny fluid after the first session. He was really pusing it.
  2. ok, this one looks much better.
  3. Here's what I have out of pocket. I found the camera and after 2 months in the lost and found and posts on the local forums, it's mine. gopro camera-- $0 plexiglass to repair case-- $0 1/4" aluminum bar stock-- $0 suction cup-- $2 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=97713 screws-- $0.60 total--- $2.60 Double that if you want to use 2 suction cups. I don't count my time since I'm doing this for myself. The picture speaks for itself so you can see it is pretty simple. You could also use plexiglass in place of the bar stock. heat and bend to fit. It's a very easy DIY project for which ever camera you have.
  4. pipe wrench, drive shaft, clutch disc. The pipe wrench can mesh with the splines as long as you orient it the correct way. With the driveshaft or front yoke you can slip it on and use a pry bar and lock it against the bench. The center plate will be in a bench vise. You can also search on zcar.com author name "grahambcz". He has a write up on rebuilding the z transmissions.
  5. welcome back to the future. It was the premeire episode of the series. I don't recall the year, but almost 4 yrs.
  6. You like pueblo, I agree, it's a fun track, but showing it's age. The city is now making it a city enterprise and have some road racers on the advisory board. That's great considering in the past 35 yrs those on the PMI board were slanted heavily in favor of the drag strip. There is one track you may or may not have heard about. If you know about pueblo, you should know about our old track 2nd creek in Denver. It closed down in '05 because of encroaching developements. The amatuer clubs who managed 2nd creek have built a brand new road course east of byers. Less than an hour east of the I-70 and I-25 interchange. http://www.highplainsraceway.com It is open for business. It has a lot of elevation change, long sweepers, just about anything you would want in a road course. The best thing, since it is a grass roots effort by the clubs it's cheaper than the rest but every bit a world class track. The only thing lacking are the ammenities which will come in time. The Z Car Club of Colorado also has a minor stake in the track as a part of one of the 5 main clubs that built it. Read the history on the HPR web site.
  7. 101 in oregon--- Tillamook is a must. They have an old blimp hangar that houses an aircraft museum, most of which still fly. Columbia river area-- There is a ferry that goes from one side to the other which was pretty cheap. It only holds 10 cars or so. Astoria is a nice place.
  8. All movies are cool when you're a kid. Then after 20 + years and you see the same movies that you thought were great they are the cheesiest things you ever saw. The trinity series with terrance stamp. trinity is my name, trinity is still my name etc.
  9. could be worse, he could be in cleveland.
  10. success, drilled old plastic parts enough to get needle nose pliers, then used comressed air to clean out the rest of the material. It would be much easier with the strut out of the car, but had no real problems.
  11. I posted this because I saw a couple of posts saying they broke these pieces. So I investigated a little, made a couple of calls and when I got the parts I wanted to post pics to show what they looked like. I still have to get the old parts out, I may have to drill into the plastic, the pick really isn't working too well. I suppose it doesn't help that I still have the strut in the car, but I'm sure I will get the broken pieces out.
  12. After breaking the plastic parts for the illumina adjustment I talked to johnc about what I can do. These parts are replacable. Go to your original retailer and order. If not tokico or another retailer may order a set for you. After remembering who I bought them from I called and they sent me a full set for my 240z. After remembering back when I bought the full set for my 280zxt I realized I didn't get any indiactor knobs for the rear struts(struts discontinued by tokico) on the zx. My retailer couldn't help me out with those so they referred me to tokico. Here is the pic with notes. The broken pieces can be taken out with patience and some kind of pick or probe.
  13. Imagine that, having the used parts ready to ship when you close the deal.
  14. Daniel, If you're in town, want to go out to HPR and check out the MRA races this weekend? $5 to spectate, but free if you want to work corners. Let me know. corner workers need to get there early. http://WWW.USGPRU.NET
  15. Are you guys still talking about the cigarette lighter?
  16. Did your wife take out any extra life insurance on you?
  17. The r180 and r200 ds flange will not interchange. If you still intend to use the t5 then you may as well have a driveshaft built. Also, I don't think the 4.11 would do well behind a turbo. I only know this because of sleeperz had a 3.9 and he would have to shift before building any boost. I guess I wasn't very clear in our emails before about the driveshaft. Looks like clean cylinder bores. Does it rotate freely? If it does, then I wouldn't bother doing any type of rebuild. Unless the pic don't show the whole story.
  18. Looks like i can kick out my other brother then.
  19. Yeah, that's why I won't have it done. I have prescription goggles.
  20. Get rid of the porch and add that to the garage for extra work space. It would make it nice so you won't have to pull a car outside while working on projects.
  21. Go to the hardware store and get some of the steel pipe cleaning brushes.
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