Ok so heres the deal. The car starts always, but there are moments where it takes a bit of encouragement. Dont have any of the cold start system hooked up anymore so starting always takes a couple more cranks than usual initially, but it always fires after 2-3 cranks.
However, after the car has been running for a while and everything is nice and warm under the hood, when I shut the car off and try to start it in 10-15 minutes the motor is VERY hesitant to turn over. Painfully slow cranks, almost as if the battery can't turn the starter, but if I hold the key in the "Start" position, the cranks speed up after 4-5 and then it fires and runs healthy. If I let the car sit for 45 minutes or more the problem does not appear.
I thought it might be a heat soak issue so I wrapped the starter motor in a DEI heat shield blanket, but the issue persists.
Voltage and cranking amps are fine, battery is a Deka EXT16L.
Any ideas?