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Everything posted by RayG1988

  1. Still haven't seen another S30z in person yet, at the same time that I'm driving mine. I've seen a black 280z that lives near my house, unfortunately may car has been down every time I've seen him. I don't know if he's seen me, he's an elderly gentlemen with gold rims. Seen him on 192 a few times here in Kissimmee.
  2. DD, but I driver her hard. Don't know how long before she breaks something. Tonight I went to the races.
  3. I know he's a fan of Zeds, I'm pretty sure I've seen another episode with him wearing that shirt. That and that really cool episode where they race all the Z generations against each other.
  4. ♥♥♥♥, actually. I have a 280zx parts car with a perfect harness and everything, I'd give it to you for free man I hate to see a Z down like that.
  5. Dang man, thanks for the info. I just put in a 12 hour work day yesterday so I think I'll be able to afford the box from atlantic, but I'm going to try mine's first from the 280zx, just been to busy with finals and school in general. Hope you can get your car started, hurts to see the car end up like that. But hey if you don't wanna work on it I'll buy some stuff off ya if you're willing to part it out.
  6. Thanks for your response, Joe. Unfortunately I'm already in the hole with this one and I still have to pay a ticket and my insurance so buying the kit wouldn't be a good idea at the moment. Not to mention it would take a very long time for me to even get the kit in the mail. I'm assuming the kit can be duplicated for a lot cheaper. Guess I'll have to do some more searching to see if anyone's duplicated anything similar and actually made a write up on it.
  7. So I burned out my fusible links on my 260zT... Here are the pictures, sorry about the size and quality. They're cell phone pictures. It looks like it was still running the original 260z fusible links system, I know the car was swapped for an NA 81 engine which was then made into a turbo. My main question is can I use the fusible links off my 79? I was searching around and I saw a write up on switching over to maxifuse but I don't have a lot of money and time and as this is my DD I'm trying to get this fixed as soon as possible. Will my 79's work? They look entirely different and have been a headache to remove...they're actually not even out yet. And here's where the actual headache actually starts, right under the passenger side under the dash over by the fuses:
  8. Sure dude, I'll probably be done with all my finals by then but let me check my schedule to make sure. I'll pm you my number. I got her running back to normal today, she kind of chokes up a little but nothing to drastic just means I have to treat her nicely until I can swap tanks or something. She's still not getting enough fuel so if I floor it to hard she'll choke up and the turbo won't kick in.
  9. A lot of things, once I got the distributer cap, fuses, and relay changed she started up! She's running a little weird, not gonna drive her around. She's choking and misfiring, throwing flames and stuff. Looks like the AFM connections may be dirty or messed up cause it's missing and firing everywhere. Scared my neighbors and now all the mad jdm tyte kids in the neighborhood who were playing basketball are gonna be taking about how my car was throwing flames. I almost caught the 280zx on fire cause it had the cover on it, I actually burned the cover a little bit lol. I don't think my neighbors like me anymore...But tomorrow morning I'm cleaning that up and I should be able to drive her to school. It might also be that I connected the distributer cap wrong but it's to late and I have no light to work on it.
  10. Update: She's running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just have to fix the AFM connections cause shes choking and firing! She actually shoots flames I almost caught the old 280zx on fire because I have her with a cover. Scared my neighbors half to death and everyone at the basketball car now thinks I have the fastest car in the park.
  11. Did everything that was suggested, in fact I even used a compressor to get rid of the "clogs". But now the problem seems to be an electrical one, I switched up the coil and I repaced my distributer cap. The car still doesn't start. I think it's the ignition relay, I can't work on the car today because I'm at work and have tons of homework. What I was wondering is if the relay of my 79 can be used (assuming the relay is whats wrong) Oh, and thanks again.
  12. Car only has one fuel filter, the pump seemed to still be working I can hear it when I'm inside the car. I'll try to run the small fuel can you're suggesting. Again thanks, all of you. You're all being a great help, I'm glad I'm staying over my friends house tonight lots of my questions were answered. I'll try all of that stuff tomorrow as I don't have the car with me right now.
  13. Yeah it ran before and pretty good actually, I figured it was the stock fuel pump unless the previous owner swapped it out which I doubt. Ah, okay I thought that for some reason they fitted the 260z with an EFI pump that was compatible with the carb tank. Guess I was looking at a none U.S. model or just faulty information in general, thanks for clearing that up. Guess I have to search for an early model 280z (75?) and try to swap it over as my 280zx's tank is worthless. Hmm, I'm guessing the information's been covered a million times so I'll do a search. I'm currently bugging my friends since I have no net at home right now. Hopefully there's a write up, I can do basic stuff with cars but I'm trying to take on the project as well as I can. I got a nice T5 A as well as an R200 I'd like to swap this month too. Again, thanks all of you. Guess it's a bad idea to have your project car as your DD, but I'm a poor college kid and I worked my ass off to get the car. I was working two full time jobs and doing school but I quit one as I already have the parts I need and it was cutting into my social life and I also didn't have time for the Z. My main thing is to get the car running, I was getting rides from my dad but his DD also broke down so I'm trying to get the Z running ASAP. *puts on flame suit* Anyone have pics of the surge and efi setup? Like I said I can't check as often as I'd like so I can't lurk/search as much as I'd want to.
  14. Changed the fuel filter on the car today as well as the fuel pressure regulator and still nothing. I actually had gas at the pressure regulator so I doubt it's clogged. I'm starting to think it's not clogged and that it may need a new fuel pump. I'm using a stock early model 260z fuel pump, should I get the same one or should I get something else? I seriously can't figure out what is wrong and it's driving me nuts, I have two Zs on my driveway and none of them work. One of which is a DD and the other is a parts car. Again, thanks in advance.
  15. My 260z in an earlier model, but it has an electronic fuel pump. I have the fuel pressure gauge, but it's not hooked up, so I'll probably do that ASAP. My main concern is that I'm not getting any gas to the fuel rail so I don't get any to the injectors which means I can't start the car at all. =/ Is there a quick fix to this? Should I just disconnect all the fuel lines and look to see where it's clogged? Is there things that usually get clogged? Thanks ALOT in advance.
  16. Car doesn't start. It looks like the fuel lines may be clogged somewhere, I tried checking if the filter had gone bad but it was fine when I took off the line by the filter. Gas came out so I know the problem isn't there, when I tried to do the same by the fuel rail there was no gas at all. I put the keys in so the fuel pump would start and I went back to the fuel pump and the lines felt like they had gas in them in fact they were leaking a little bit. I know I need to swap out the old carbed gas tank and I was trying to do it today to swap it with for an EFI gas tank from my s130 but the bolts under the gas tank on the s130 are stuck and I can't get them out. I tried cutting the straps that hold the gas tank up on the s130 but I get no luck. I'm pretty sure the problem is associated with the carbed gas tank and that the problem will go away as soon as I swap the EFI tank. But I was trying to get a second opinion and perhaps an easy fix so I can start the 260z with it's old gas tank so I can go to work today. Thanks in advance.
  17. Hmm, well I want to get a better one but still for 25 bucks I can't go wrong. Gonna look it over, my Z doesn't get here until the 7th. If anyone can tell me how much space I have that'd be awesome. That way I can go look at the intercooler for now and see if I can make it fit inside the Z. I got this information from the seller: 24.5" W x 5.75" tall x 2.75" thick I'm going to see if I can go look at it this week and see the condition, if it's not that bad I don't see why I shouldn't use it temporarily. I mean how expensive would it be to get the piping done? lol
  18. Hmm...you're right, while it may save me money now I'll have to end up buying another one later. Guess I'll go look at the L28 turbo sticky and see if I can get any of the intercoolers they recommended in the thread and I'll look at other L6 builds for ideas. Again, thanks guys.
  19. So general consensus is find another one better suited for the s30? Gonna start looking some more. Thanks for the advice, guys.
  20. Has anyone ever used these in an s30? I have an early model 260z with an NA L28 which was turboed. I was wondering if anyone has used these before and how good they are. Theres someone selling one on a local forum for 25 dollars and I was thinking I could possibly buy it. Sorry I don't know the dimensions, the seller didn't specify. They just said it came out of an SRT-4. Here's a picture:
  21. FL isn't so bad. You'll probably still like it. Don't forget to join Orlandoforums.com
  22. Anyone have more info on it? I remember seeing a video of it a long time ago, and I also remember someone posting a picture of the engine bay. I searched for it here on hybrid but I guess the host that was hosting the picture isn't up anymore or something. It's a really old picture with a light blue twin turbo triple carbed Fairlady Z. Can anyone help?
  23. Finally got the car towed to my place, gotta look for my keys. Once I do that I'll be taking pictures and whatnot. Besides the tranny and things like starter, alternator, etc, what else can I use from the 280zx for my 260z (has an L28 swap)? I actually may not be able to keep it, but I'm gonna part it out and try to keep all that I can and then try to give it to someone who can do something with it rather than scrap it.
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