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Everything posted by BSD

  1. You can always try to make them, I am.. keke.. I might do metal instead of glass though.
  2. Alot of the undercoating is falling apart and rust is starting to form... so I figured its time to put on new undercoating. Thanks for the info, I would take that trip up north but I don't have the time or vehicle to do so. unfortunately I can't find Any place around here that rents out booths, or even sandblasts! *shrug*
  3. The undercoating on the car is worn down and is Not made of rubber... it'll come off. =] Or else!
  4. Zoolander all over again.. oh god.. Wheres my turret?
  5. I haven't been here that long, but BRAAP definetly helped me out alot.. as well as alot of members, so i'm going to vote for MYSELF!! bwahaha..
  6. Great info and pics, makes it look too easy.. lol
  7. Thanks bud, i'll be keeping my eye out... Think that blaster would do all right? its rated 80 psi?
  8. Would the slag dmg the exterior? I felt it and it was kinda rough and sharp.. then again.. i'm new, so what do I know? The silica sand was only 4 dollars, I can just use it for something else.. like my pool! haha.. jk.. Hmm.. and recommendations on a compressor sweetleaf? Thank you!
  9. LOL, jesus tap dancing christ, thats pretty bad for a late model ZX.. Gj on the progress so far.. I wouldn't even bother with the stock wiring.. go megasquirt! bwahaha
  10. Thanks for the tips guys, I didn't think about moisture clogging up the sand, good call. luckily my friends gonna loan me some jackstands that are like 5ft tall.. that should be adequate as long as I am careful, while i'm at it i'll probably make a "bowl" using tarps in my garage to catch all the sand so it won't make a huge mess... ball type shutoff? I am going to check on that and make sure its not one.. I am looking at a compressor right now that is 26 gallons and flows 3.3 scfm at 90 PSI.. and the sand blaster is rated up to 80 PSI.. I don't think that compressor would be adequate with long usage, i'll probably burn it out. *shrugs* The compressor is 279 bucks..
  11. Nice PC bud! Mines a Sandy as well... Nice clock on the x800 too.. I ran mine at 650/650 and it was getting unstable.. I actually flashed the cards BIOS to a x850XT PE but my card was freaking out because its not Really a Radeon.. its Saphirre.. =[ Oh well... As for 64 bit windows... I never liked it.. mainly due to compatability issues.. and its only a hairline faster than 32 bit. Hmm.. Unless something new has come out, correct me if I am wrong! As for 64 Bit
  12. I just was curious as to what a good site would be to get a sand blaster.. I found one for $142 at the local "Farm and Fleet" It's a Larin, dunno how well it will work though, just wanted to see if anyone had any kind of recommendation without flaming me.. =] If I remember right it was capable of 80 PSI Oh, I just had one last question.. I understand that sand blasting the exterior of the car can cause dents, so i'm avoiding the body, but the problem I thought about would be sand blasting the underside of the car.. Since I do not have a rotisserie (sp? haaa ) I'm not sure what a good method would be to blast the underside without being able to put the car on its side or flip it over.. hmm.. Any type of info would be greatly appreciated, since I might start rolling the ball this week and either buy that larin or order something. Thanks again guys.
  13. As promised, video footage, and some pictures.. aka.. like 2 Side view of the beast stripped. The pooper of the Z Side angle shot! Cut out a piece to patch, need to cut out some more though. Another shot of the hole. Some misc. stuff to get sand blasted... I might buy a sand blaster from a local hardware store.. its $142.. *shrug* Besides that, I went ahead and purchased 100lb of silica sand.. so i'm getting closer! More to come...
  14. Nice work so far xenon, when I get back to my garage i'll pull some wheel files I saved.
  15. Np bud, and thank you. This will sound funny, but I honestly cut it out using a grinder with a cutting blade.. lol... I drew a quick line with a marker and just cut.. I have a very steady hand. ;P Now.. cutting the cowel off my other car exactly to fit is gonna be pretty hard.. i'll just cut some extra and grind it down if I have to, then use a level to make sure its sitting good... *shrugs* Gonna put quite a bit of POR in there while i'm at it so I won't have to fight the rust monster again.. haha.
  16. He is right, all it will do is make the car run richer, which is just going to waste gas... Why would you want to eliminate it?? With a good standalone system the O2 sensor is just going to help you out a Ton, not hurt you.. unless you are talking about eliminating the EGR system, which will not have a negative effect on your car.. just increase your throttle response some, maybe even make a better idle. ;P
  17. Perhaps you should post somewhere else, this is twisteds thread.. not classifieds. ;P
  18. Ahem, I shall chime in a little. I have a 939 socket complete computer for sale as we speak, and am willing to part it out as well. CPU:AMD Athlon 3700+ , This is the 1MB model. It is Not dual core, and the memory controller got burnt out on it, so it can't run dual channel ram. =[ MB: DFI Lan Party UT SLI-DR, says enough, great fast board with a custom NB cooler, most NB run pretty hot, so it keeps things a little more stable. GPU: Radeon x800 clocked to 600/600 at, doesn't go over 50 degrees under load. ( video games ) It has a custom cooler with arctic silver.. its a beeeast for being an old card. PSU:OCZ Powerstream 520W Dual Rail RAM: 2 x 1024 OCZ Platinum 2, PC4000, Dual Channel. 2-3-3-5 timing, Very fast ram.. it IS Not DDR2, but in all honesty, I can bench mark this Ram faster than most DDR2 Ram because DDR2 ram has slower latency timings than original DDR, take it or leave it. HDD: Western Digital Raptor, 74GB version.. enough said.. Custom CPU cooler, tons of fans.. blah blah.. I wasn't looking for more than 300 bucks for the whole setup.
  19. No pictures or videos at the moment, sorry guys.. I forgot my camera at my friends, I just need to get it back.. haha. I removed Everything else off the car, so it is Completely stripped... Next thing to do is some body work, sandblasting.. then POR.. I might order my paint/primer/etc this week, I decided to ditch using Rustoleum on the Z, but I WILL be doing my jetta with it. I am just going to paint the Z black.. and do the interior with some dark red trim.. Anywhoot, I will have pictures and videos soon, pizza time! cheers
  20. I was daily driving my Z and getting around 22-25 mpg... of course is wasnt running top notch.. but it is currently being restored, and will be daily driven again!
  21. http://strausz.us/zcar/turboswap/zcar_bridge2_small.jpg This could be a member, but who knows! It's pretty simple looking, but I really do like the way the 280zx 2+2's look... Hence the restoration of mine. =]
  22. I think we all should be afraid, i'm going out now to find me a tercel, make myself a cardboard bodykit and other epic performance mods. See you suckers at the track! Bwhahahaha!
  23. I have to talk with my one of my friends, because he is going to sell me a turbo engine, which means I'd have two motors left over that I would be selling. I am not sure which one of the engines he wants off me, but I would have One left over.. One engine has 180k one has 110k.. I drove around on the 110k engine and it gave me No problems whatsoever.. ( the 110k engine is sitting on my garage floor.. lol )
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