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Everything posted by BSD

  1. One benefit of mine is the fact that is mostly mechanical, but I will admit, they do have their little quirks. I haven't had any real brake problems yet, but the car only has 74k on it. My one complaint about the car is changing the exhaust.. mmmmm...As far as cars being boring, I can't agree more! My last car was as exciting as dirt, but it did sound cool.
  2. I understand, but we are talking about a MKII VW, not a MK4 or MK5, but yes, their are Some problems with them, as well as any new vehicle. Oil change wise, I said most people Don't know how.. i'm sure everyone on this forum knows how, but they might not want to do it.Also.. my Jetta is a 8V CIS, i'm sure you understand how CIS works, and how easy it is to work on, considering Everything is mechanical.
  3. Well, I was asking Which one I Should buy, maybe I should be more descriptive. As far as the reports go, I do regular maintenance to all my cars, which should be expected out of an automobile owner. I can understand Certain cars getting some bad reports, ( German.. and especially British vehicles, also their parts are typically more expensive, but a friend of mine works for VW, so I get parts relatively cheap. )considering half the people around here don't even know how to change oil... Hell! I knew a girl who thought an oil change was draining your oil, and putting the SAME oil back in the car! LOL Challenger, yes I do post hm on almost every post, good catch! lol
  4. Well, they are stupid. I used to have a 1990 wolfy jetta that had 254,000 miles, never had a problem really. I bought the 87 2 door, it runs amazing!
  5. BSD

    240SX sr20DET

    All are Complete vehicles.
  6. Well, I think I decided I might buy this VW for a daily driver, I used to own a 90 Jetta wolfy back in the day, really awesome cars.. great mileage, and do have some giddy up. The olds is just... Old.. 20mpg ftl.. I will miss that car though. Any VW fans around? I'm deciding between a.. 87 Jetta Wolfy 2-door!! 5-speed with 74k for 1k ( white ) 91 Jetta Wolfy 4-door AUTO.. ew.. with 50k for 2k ( grey ) 91 Golf GTI 5-speed 120-130k for 1k ( black ) Oh.. the decisions! Leaning towards that 87 Jetta, I never see 2-door wolfys.. hmmm..
  7. Mmm, idk really... do you need the Whole cable? Or do you need the part from the actual speedo to the firewall? PM me chief
  8. Hahahahahaha.. oh man.. too funny. That guys my hero. STICK ON HORSEPOWER, everyone knows spoilers add 10 HP.
  9. Found one that looks to be in amazing condition with 140k miles, for 2,900?? That seems pretty cheap. o.O Also found 3 anniverssary 300ZX's, all turbo, two stick and one auto... 1500 dollars and auto is 2300. Was looking for a daily driver till my Z was done, and I find another Z! Oh, found a Datsun 510 for 2800 with quite a few mods... If anyone in illinois might be interested, I can take pics and post them.. mmhmm.
  10. Sweet jesus, i'd rather put a bug motor in a go-cart though, hahaha.
  11. I have an extra speedo cable actually.
  12. YES YES YES YES!!! When I do locate an old mini, ( almost bought one from london.. 4k in shipping killed that sale, lol )this will be my new hunt-for-engine!
  13. New update! Also, I don't know how familiar some of you are with POR products or not, but I never tried using POR Metal Ready before.. I purchased some and thought i'd give it a shot... What it does is eat the rust off of metal and prepare it to be POR'd.. which is awesome, and makes a better base for POR to cure to. The problem... NEVER let METAL READY SIT ON YOUR CAR OVER NIGHT! If you do use it, make sure it sits for about 10-30 mintues and clean it with water, Quickly drying what you cleaned with a towel or lintless cloth... Reason? It will flash rust like a ***********x10 I found out the hard way, but fortunately for me, I was able to just sand it out and redo it.. Besides that, the stuff works amazing, and you can even dip small rusted parts into the solution and it comes out clean, clean, clean! Not much to say for now, more updates later!
  14. Thanks Hugh! I'm trying to upload some more videos and stuff, but my lady friends dial up is ripping me a new one.. haha. Yes, I am going to attempt the pantera hatch... I did make my fiberglass hood pretty decently, needs to be touched up, and theres a little ding in the cowl, but easy fixes! I'll start uploading a video now, won't be able to post it till tomorrow or something.
  15. LOL, Both those episodes were hilarious.. NASCAR!! HAHAHAHA
  16. TOTALLY kidding, I love owls, my uncle used to shoot at them.. almost made me shoot him. Anywhoot, I have only hit ONE animal in my life, and that was a possum, because it ran INTO my tire.. MY dad on the other hand, had a cow run AT his semi when he was delivering a load, it went straight through the grill and into the engine block.. brutual. xD Another funny time, me and my friend were headed to a party, and he was going like 120 in his truck at night on a small road.. ( pretty scarey ) and out of nowhere we hear a BOOM! We ended up hitting a peacock at 120! It was like an explosion of colored feathers that hit the windshield and just blew away. It was sad, but at the same time I couldn't stop laughing for like 30 minutes... on the way back we found no remains of the peacock, besides all its crap in his trucks grill.
  17. I second that!! Actually, I almost bought a Turbo anniversay 300ZX with mint leather and a sound system for 3k.. but it ran like crap.. my Olds was faster than it. xD
  18. First, I would like to say thanks for considering us, second! If that is a P90 head, I want it! How was the radiator? The one I took off my manual Z I bought didn't look to hot...OH! Was it power steering or manual? 2+2?? PICTURES?!?! lol.
  19. BSD

    Rotary power!

    THAT, is a beast.. seriously.. I wish my car could shoot fireballs like that.. without a lame exhaust mod. =]
  20. I'd love to put a rotary in an old mini cooper! or triumph! Hahaha
  21. Hmmm, that's not to bad.. if I was done with the paint and body work on my car I'd prob jump on it.
  22. Well, if you guys didn't notice, I have a thread under members projects, since this is my first Official vehicle restoration, I figured it would be cool to make videos of the work I am doing as well as my progress. Hopefully this will shine light to alot of questions people might have, considering I am doing a restoration, there will be alot of information that will have to be known, and whatever I don't know, I WILL find the answer, because I want to do everything the Right way.. if possible. Like I said, this is my first real restoration, so this is a complete learning process for me coming from the computer industry, nerd at heart.Any questions, comments, or feedback is definetly appreciated, and I would like to once again thank Hybrid Z and the S130 guys for helping me out and just being an awesome and informative site! The the one thing I would Love to cover in a video is the building and installing process of Megasquirt, so stay tuned! ( I am aware it will be a Long video. )
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