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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I wouldn't tell that to the "Tornado Air Management" people... They seem to think that their swirling air philosophy is better than air that just moves in a straight line. (let's see what that stirs up)
  2. I feel bad for you that you had to 'total' the car to get the rack out. You could have just bought one new for less, huh? All for a better cause tho Unfortunately, you won't find any of the Subaru units used anywhere for many years until the JYs accumulate crashed cars. Unless you want to buy a new unit.... $ 2000 probably.
  3. My stock steering rack is plenty tight. I'll trade you straight up for the subaru unit. I'll even throw in the new poly rackbushings!
  4. Are you suggesting that it's a bolt-in part???? Please say YES.....
  5. I can beat that. I've had mine a year so far and all I did was some minor repairs, a tuneup, steering wheel and the heater. Oh- rubbed the paint out. I'm trying to get a body shop to do the power steering swap, but the guy seemsto be procrastinating, asking me for exact pictures of everything, even thought I tell him only 1 or 2 other guys have dome it so far! The problem for me is that I don't have a place to work, so I have to ferry the thing to different places to get different things done. It does let me pay off the bills at the same time, tho.
  6. Does anybody have a pin-out for the windshield wiper motor? I'd like to try and power it directly. Maybe it'll get some better speed. thx.
  7. Mine has one on the left side next to the coil. what is it for? Can I cut it off or something? thx.
  8. Here's a procedure I found on the Internet someplace: http://www.network54.com/Forum/thread?forumid=149594&messageid=1050639430&lp=1051927272 1. take the cover off the left side of the afm 2 there is a wheel with teeth on it held in place by a small screw on the top left corner(on my 78 it was a phillips) 3 hold the wheel FIRMLY!!!!!! while you loosen the screw just enough to be able to move the wheel , there is a spring in the center of the wheel and if you let go you will be in a whole heap of trouble the spring holds tension on the flap inside so the tighter the spring the less fuel 4 twist the wheel forward (as if it where a wheel on the car while it was moving forwad) I wouldn't move it more than 2 or 3 teeth at a time Use at your own rick, obviously.
  9. I have the same problem- sooty spark plugs, sooty tailpipe. the dealer tekkie said the AFM was all messed up and I need to install a new one -> $600! I adjusted the TPS (throtle position sensor) myself to give rich on idle or WOT, but I'm not sure what the dealer tekkie means when he says it was too rich. What throttle position(s) do they measure the mixture at? I can live with it for now, but will probably go at it in the spring.
  10. Hey, Yvonne You think that photo is big enough? If you're going to post often, try shrinking it down to about 320 x 320... Also, can you see traffic behind you well with that side mirror so far up? I was going to put mine about half as far. Can you see it in the rain?
  11. That guy would return a garage sale item for a refund........
  12. What "STAINS?" What I saw looks like some carpets with some scuffing from shoes and a little discoloring from shoes and in the wear zones. It's a light color so everything is going to show. I would have bought it, if I needed one. That guy should go clean the carpets and comb it some. Tell us his email & we should all send him messages telling him 'what he can do with his carpets.'
  13. How do you sand blast or glass bead stuff when it's on the car? I don't really wqant to take the engine apart, because I drive the car some. I bought it to use, not coddle. Could you , like, use a scotchbrite pad with some stuff like a slurry of CLR and silica?
  14. what's a good way to make your valve covers, dash pot, and such stuff under the hood that's oxidized to dullness/roughness to look a little more like newer metal without polishing it death? Just want it to look a little more like fresh cast stuff. thx.
  15. You have 4 speaker holes? Mine only has the 2 speakers by the quarter windows. there's no rilles or speakers in the back, either. On top of that, the wiring diagram from Mitchel's doesn't show any wiring for the radio. :~( All I need is just a plain, AM/FM cassette receiver. No DVD, no playstation, no GPS. I leave that stuff inside the house.
  16. Wait a minute.... I saw a Ruf- engineering Porche go 212 on the Autobahn yesterday on the "History Channel." That's not too far off from 240 mph, speedometer wise. On the other hand.... Those cars go for about $150,000 You sure that's not 240... KPH?
  17. Mine is Oct 29. Next Wed. My idea would be to glue little ceramic chickens all over the hood. LOL! OK, really, how about a neat hood ornament, like from a rolls or something ( the flying lady?)
  18. I've seen his photos, but I need some photos of things like: modified tie rods position of the rack on the crossmember. routing of hydraulic hoses (would be nice to see) collumn-to-rack coupler. thx.
  19. the thing that I don't understand is that when I asked where in the ORC (Ohio Revised Code) the regulations for that kind of thing can be found, for things like a 'spin knob,' I got answers like, " A spin knob is the knobby-thing that goes on the steering wheel. You NEED to have one." You know.....government stuff/talk. Different answer from each person, but just as irrelevant. Huh? That's not technical-speak. Eyeglasses are pretty much self-explanatory, but that kind of reply doesn't answer questions like, "What is it design-wise?" "How is it properly installed?" "How/when are you supposed to use it." Knowing how it's properly designed & installed ensures you don't get junk or a shoddy installation from some jerk at a customizing shop who just wants bags of money from you because you have no other option than to get one. Knowing how/ when to use it makes you a better, safer driver. The only (good) thing is that automakers, like Ford, will give you up to $1000 to add stuff to your car, IF you can prove you need it, with documents from therapists/doctors. I guess the only way to find out is to go out and 'break the law, and get caught'. Then an officer has to put on the citation which codes were violated, and I could finally look them up. Maybe we have a law-oriented person here who could help pin things down.
  20. I understand that'swhat you meant. I also thought it means that there are clubs that are Porsche /BMW alternative. That's what I got.
  21. You are pardoned. I lost the use (partially) of my left arm from a head injury. BMV requires you to have power steering, unless you can use both arms for driving. I don't know why, they just tell you so & it's on my license. I tried to locate any applicable state codes, but can't find any.
  22. I read about SVRA, NASA, and some others on the Mid-Ohio web site http://www.midohio.com I don't have to worry about not having a Porch or BMW (Big Money Wasted). I have a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ......................ZZ ....................ZZ ..................ZZ ................ZZ ..............ZZ ...........ZZ ........ZZ ......ZZ ...ZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 'Nuff said.
  23. Has any body done a power steering conversion with the Mustang rack on a Z lately? I REALLY need pictures of the stuff that was done to get my body guy to do the job for me. I need to have the power steering on there to drive the car legally. I get free storage for the winter too. thx.
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