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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. You might want to look into having the motor windings replaced. Maybe they can totally rebuild it. Maybe even change the windings to maske it go faster?
  2. What I would like to know is, what was the speed of the wipers when the cars were new. Was it like the cars we have now? i.e., normal speed and a fast speed.
  3. There's a basic electronic formula you can use: P= I * V Power = Current * volts P= watts I = amps V = volts You can solve for any variable: I=P/V V=P/I for lights, you know the voltage and the wattage. for an example, a 12V, 55W lamp: A=55/12 ~ 4.5Amps ifyou had a 30AMP light, P=30 * 12 = 360 watts.
  4. Bad news........... I was out looking under the car, and I looked to see if there was enough ROOM for the Mustang rack to fit under the oil pan, and guess what....... I don't think there is. The rack would stick up kinda high (using Alsil's method) and the oil pan would be in the way. I could drop the bracket so the rack fits, but it would be lower than the crossmember and possibly get hit by road debris or rocks, etc. That would require some extra welding for protective metal. Unless somebody can prove me wrong, maybe I should start thinking about skipping the power steering? Maybe use the Subaru rack instead? I thought I had this one in the bag.
  5. Both good points. Why didn't he just slow down??? Probably as many reasons for and against slowing down as there are people, but here is just a case of one person not avoiding a collision- for whatever reason. I tend to drive casually, as Aaron said, but others seem to think that having 1 car-length in front of me gives them the right to squeeze in there! So, depending on conditions, and time, I might drive AT the speed limit, or a little less, so traffic just goes by. Let them cause trouble someplace where I aint. I will just smile to myself and think of how nice it is to cruise down the highway in a cool touring car. BTW, I'm also concerened about the brakes in my Z. The first pump is a little mushy, and the second hard, so brakes are a current priority for "safe driving." So I'll not be speeding at least until then- not that I like to speed.
  6. Isn't window tinting applied over the defroster grid that is already on there? You could conceivably put a new one over what's there, but I chose to remove the tinting (don't need any in Ohio) and the grid seems to be not working now. So maybe a new grid would be the better choice than to repair the old one.
  7. Stereos are a "safety hazard" in a car, just like a cupholder... Manufacturers brag about how you can't hear traffic while inside your car. If you can't hear what's outside, how would you know if an emergency vehicle was approaching? In my experiences, people don't want to pull over until the last second, and then everbody rushes for the side. I even saw somebody get rear-ended once! St00pid!! (with TWO zeros!) You need to hear what's happening outside the car. turn the stereo down. Turn it OFF. If you want quiet, move to the country. IMO, cars should get an E-check (environment check) EVERY year and get insurance adjustments based on what kind of dangerous JUNK you got in the car, like a radio, sattelite tuner, DVD, Playstation, kicker box. Maybe add in the # of watts in the amplifier(s) (above 7 watts, of course). .... 2¢
  8. I found one. Electric defroster KIT: http://www.wholinks.net/Automotive/Accessories/High-Performance-Electric-Defroster--Defogger.html about $25
  9. Maybe you shoulf get your AFM calibrated?
  10. Bastaad has a point ( to a point..... lol) But............. The sign on the free way says speed LIMIT, not speed MINIMUM! That means you can go any speed UP TO the limit. But you know there's a minimum, so you got that much going for you. In Ohio, the urban LIMIT is 60 mph, so I put up with people going 55, or even 50, even though you feel like you're craaaawwwwliiinnnggg a looooonngg... But that's their priviledge, so I tolerate it, as I expect people to tolerate me going 62 on the freeway or the (rural) highway- speed limit 65. That means you gotta be on the watch for " 'ol granddad" bumming along at 50 mph, reguardless of the time of day (or night). if you hit him from behind, you're at fault reguardless of if you are sober or whatever excuse you might have. That's just how it is here in the U.S of A. BTW, there's no such thing as a "high-speed lane." It's just a logical conclusion because you pass on the left (usually). There is actually no lane reserved for high speed (in Ohio & any other state I know of). I bet on the Autobahn, I think you will find very few srunken drivers, because their attitude toward drinking is different. Also, you will find NO CUPHOLDERS!! You need to focus on the driving, not your coffee! (or shaver, lipstick, newspaper Big Mac, etc.)
  11. Definitely a 'premeditated' action of a kind... What do you think that guy was thinking on the freeway at 2:30 am? A: "No traffic this time of night." B: "I could probably go any speed I want to, safely, because I have a --Corvette--." You can't know for sure, but wouldn't you ( red-blooded "American" guy) think these things? I do, but my Ford Escort is made for economy & safety, not performance. Probably wouldn't do it with my 280Z, either, it's heavy to steer & I do it one-handed, so it's straight-line cruisage for me: Lookin' cool ... but not with shades on! lol
  12. I remember you used to be able to buy a stick-on grid kit... I would go for that. There is window tint stuck to my grid lines & the tinting guy says you gotta scrape the whole window clean to get the tint off, including th e defroster grid.
  13. Fortunately, The same system keep those people who have something unfortunate happen to them, which was not done 'on purpose.' I know of a guy who (accidentally) whent through a stop sign & hit a car, but not on purpose. Just a long drive on a country road in the summer, with an unfortunate end. Doesn't deserve jail time.
  14. "Americans" (U.S. citizens) typically have 3 vices: 1. GREED-- that guy thinks he has the need to go really fast. 2. VANITY-- That guy thinks he can handle driving safely at high speed while other people look on. 3. FEAR-- If that guy doesn't drive fast all the time, somebody might take away his priviledge to drive the corvette, or just take away his car outright. Or, his chick will think he's not manly enough, so he won't get any. You probably could include immatuurity, but I think it's just a combination of the other three things. Do you have those 3 vices in QUANTITY? Too much of any or all of those would be a problem.
  15. I've been using tire foam under the hood to clean the paint and treat any rubber or plastiic stuff like hoses & wires. http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=23157
  16. I would thing so, but it probably depends on the firing order. There may be more pistons goint down than up on a certain part is each revolution. Or vice versa. If there wasn't some kind of pressure equilibrium, the blocks would explode or the valve covers would pop off, of the engine probably wouldn't run at all.
  17. Have it your way, man. Some times you need satin, or shiny, or chrome. For me, the chrome look went away with the 70's. Except for the bumpers.
  18. No No no....... You're not supposed to polish it to a chhrome-like finish. You're just restoring things to it's original smooth or shiny look. The brake cylinder caps were a shiny metal originally. The dashpot was satin-like cast aluminum, as was the valve cover. I wasn't trying to polish things. I was trying to make them look nice, like they originally did. NOW, you can open the hood and feel good because you KNOW that people aren't looking at a bunch of rough, dull, oxidized, aluminum and metal pieces.
  19. WE do the same thing on model powerboats using weedwacker engines. We fill the holes in the pull-starter cover so the flywheel doesn't suck any air. The cylinder is water-cooled, of course, so it doesn't need any cooling air. So... that much less drag from the air gives you more Hp & rpm.
  20. Why not put some solvent on the seam to get it to soften a little? Only as long as your skirts aren't made of plastic. A strong solvent might affect fiberglass too. Use caution.
  21. You got that right!! I tried some on the dashpot first. First a light rub with a small stainless brush, then spray on the wheel cleaner... Voila! cl;ean! Siny too, almost like new. I then used it on the master cylinder caps, the header heat sheild, and the 'trouble light'. With a light scrub with an old toothbrush they all came out cleaner any shinier. Then i prayed some on the old cruddy valve cover. Again, a little scrubbinbg with the toothbrush and it too came ould looking satin-like new! Not polished or shiny, just clean, smooth and newer-looking. Later I'll go "clean" any other oxidized alimunum stuff and I won't feel bad to leave the hool open if I take the car someplace. KUDOS, Greimann!
  22. GODZILLA ALL THE WAY!!! KISS is still great, too. I wish they hadn't taken off the makeup.
  23. You should lose the sound insulation. If you can't hear traffic sounds around the car with the windows up, you make yourself a traffic hazard. Too loud a radio will do the same thing. I'm talking about not being able to hear a police car or emergency vehicle approaching. You don't want to play chicken with a fire engine- pull aside and let them by. If you can't hear it coming, YOU might need emergency service.
  24. OK.... but is it the same as that other one, that looks like it will fit a Z? WEll, I know it's NOT a Miata rack...
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