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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. The Grant adapters are designed to lock the wheel mounting bolts in place. If you unscrew the bolts, you end up stripping the threads in the holes and the screws. I even read the assemnly info from the website which says you can use your existing wheel, which probably means you can just re-use the steering wheel, just not the hub. It looks so far, like the detachable wheel hub has regular threads, but you never know.
  2. !!! WARNING !! If you are going to buy the Grant system, make sure you buy a NEW adapter hub, because you can't re-use the old one.
  3. My wiper go klunk, klunk klunk... while going across. I'm hoping it will work itself smooth over time? The speed is kind of slow too, with a slow normal speed and fast isn't much faster. I suspect the degrade in performance is from the old wiring, just like everything else. There aren't any relays in there because iit's controlled electronically. Maybe somebody has a pinout so you can bypass the controller?
  4. Can you AmorAll on top of vinyl that's been painted? Is there a 'clear coat' for vinyl to pretect it from dirt & oils, so you can clean it later? I haven't painted the door panels yet, so I wanted to see what can be done. Thx.
  5. If I can figure out the wiring under the dash, can I keep my car?? Maybe you can leave a sign on the dash asking for name & phone number, with the promise that all the rest of us with electrical problems will give him business! Seriously.... I thought that all you'd need is an extra hub and a fancy dished cover bolted on over that. Probably another mating hub for the column (ordered separately from Grant.)
  6. That's what I just said- after removing your steering wheel, a cover you can lock on.
  7. Good info both ways so far. I don't have an opinion either way. Right now I don't have any cooling problems. However, I do have the condenser still mounted in front of the radiator. Would it be a good thing to remove tyhe condenser? Would the radiater be (more efficient?) My point for changing the fan is to change the sound under the hood. Right now, with the hood open, all I hear is the fan drawing air. You hear it a little less, of course, with the hood down. I thought there might be a way to make it even quieter. What about a different fan blades? Maybe those hug plastic things are making all the noise?
  8. Instead of just removing the wheel, is there a cover you can get to lock over the column to prevent somebody from reattaching the steering wheel? Just a little more protection & might look nicer, too.
  9. Taking the engine driven fan off looks like it would give you a whole lot of room behind the radiator. I think the engine would be a lot quieter without the fan noise while running (with noise from occasional electric fan use.) Would there be any difference in cooling if I put in an electric fan? Where does the thermostat go? Can you tap into the water temp. sensor? Any comments either way?
  10. GTOs didn't have 'continental kits,' so mine won't. Also, the speakers are in the side panels, behind the door and there isn't a need for an extra one of those.
  11. I was asking for suggestions or some web sites so I could develope a system for myself. The switch mentioned is in the VB catalog, i think. I understand your concern.
  12. I bet Radio Shack has a thingamabob you could use, but the transmitter would be a bit bulky, like a pack of cigarettes. Otherwise, you might check your local rice store or security shop to see what they have that would fit on your keychain. Otherwise, I think they way it works is that there is a tiny transmitter/receiver in the steering column that sends out a signal that bounces off a small chip on the key that causes it to emit it's own signal (like a tuning fork?) if the computer accepts the received signal, it allows the engine to start.
  13. Dude, you might be in luck. On some cars, there is a codew on a sticker on the inside of the glove compartment door, or maybe written in your owner's manual ( if you got the original.) all you gotta do is give the number to a good locksmith, and he'll make you a key.
  14. What kind of things are people doing with the 'secret switches' used to increase the difficulty in starting the car? Dissabling Starter circuit? Coil circuit? Can you put switches in there so they have to be turned on in a certain sequence? What else is there?
  15. I knew that,Owen. Just kidding. It depends on how often do you really need to use the lock, unless you park with the window open at a shopping mall. I thought it might get to be a nuisance after a while, since I already have a couple keys to use my car ( door/ign, hatch.)
  16. Wait a minute.... What good would a keylock be on your steering column if you take the steering wheel off? besides keeping the steering wheel from being stolen?
  17. I have a full-size spare in the back of my '78 280Z on a ZX rim instead of the mini-thing, and I'm interested in suggestions on how to strap the sucker down. I thought of using the stock screw-thing, which would have to be lengthened, but it wouldn't look nice or I couldn't position the wheel to have the screw go throught a lug hole in the wheel. Any ideas for a strap system? Like a winching hold down strap that looks pretty? I was thinking it would go from the screw bracket through the wheel, over the top to hook onto the bracket where the jack was. Jack & tool bag is now in the spare wheel tub. I just had a thought of cutting that entire wheel hub out. It would flatten the back of the floor & raise the gas tank. Would that work? Too much work too fool with?
  18. Thanks, guys. Do they all use keys to operate? If it's safe without locking, why bother? YOu said the horn works; can I assume the turn signals will still work too? What was the thickness? Anybody seen/heard from TeeZee?
  19. Are you still working on the miata system? I have a buddy that can get me the miata parts. I just need to know if it'll work. The mustang rack is sitting on the garage floor, doing nothing and I don't think the JY will take it back.
  20. I'm baaaaaaaccckk!... About ready to do some major stuff, like the power steering, so.. How did/does the Miata rack go? Did you getit to fit in? How major were the changes to the rack mounts? Is the RX-7 rack a better choice?
  21. Can you put a Detachable steering wheel on a 280Z and retain the us of the horn & turn signals? Mine is a 15 incher and it's tough to get out. Thx.
  22. How often do you have to tighten the knock-offs? The biggest factor keeping me from using spline-hub wheels is the chance of seeing them roll off the side of the road by themselves....
  23. Just wondering if it's legal to replace the speedo (with a new/restored one) because you wouldn't be able to see the mileage on the car. You're supposed to record the mileage on the certificate when you buy/sell, so if you replace the speedo, what do or can you do?
  24. What I need to know is which arms are forward or back for each gear? thx.
  25. I got a shifter for a T-10/Muncie trans and I was dry-shifting it on the bench, but couldn't 'find' all the gears. I would like to know how the linkage arms are supposed to be for the different gears? If it was hooked up to the transmission I suppose it would work fine, but I was thinking that I might get this to work on an auto trans. Thx.
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