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Everything posted by MJLamberson

  1. I still owe you for the dizzy! which reminds me, can you please pm me your paypal? so when I do get the car to run again I can send you that money asap
  2. Is it KNOWN to work? I know your offering me a good deal but it seams like Ive already had to buy everything for this car twice do to parts not working.
  3. So my ECU is now my biggest suspect, It hast to be... its that or my wiring harness developed multiple shorts in it in a short amount of time, but just to make sure I think the easiest way to find out would be to plug in another ECU and see how my car reacts, I just need 5 min with one. can anybody help me out, bay area would be best? Thanks, again Michael
  4. I AM THE STIG!! I wish, hes got a cool job thats for sure.
  5. I havnt got to test the ECU yet, mostly because Im not to sure how to go about doing it,but I do have another hint that may shed some light on my problem... I had my battery charged and tested fine, but when I left it hooked up in my Z for a short period of time it ended up useless, this was the case with two different batteries. Doesnt that mean I have a positive that is grounding out or something? Maybe my wiring isnt as good as I thought... but it ran before so idk?
  6. I wish I had a spare ECU to test, and thank you, that file looks handy.
  7. GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!! Im sorry but I am just so frustrated. I got my other dizzy and put it in... Nothing!!!! well I shouldnt say nothing, the EFI relay clicks and the injectors inject. But the ECU does not kick on and thus I am not getting spark. I know my wiring is right because it was running before, I double checked every connection multiple times. Im not sure what pins on the ECU connections to test for power at that location, Ive been searching, but everywhere else that needs power has it. The only other thing I can think of is the ECU burnt out but what are the odds of that? can anybody else throw some ideas my way or link me to an 83 zxt pinout?
  8. Maybe not compared to the 70s, but compared to other cars of similar performance today, and what they cost. This car runs low 13s in the 1/4, 0-60 in under 5, pulls 0.99Gs... it sounds to me like it performs well compared to other cars in that price range.
  9. I have seen a Z, that was, well, two Zs welded together, the seam was iirc in the middle right under the seats, or maybe it was in front of the seats... It was on a friends Z and it seamed strong enough, not something I would want to do though.
  10. Be sure to tell everybody about your experience with that paint, Im very curious about it.
  11. I am wondering about the wheels on the orange Z, anybody know what they are?
  12. Dang that is a huge jump over the base price, I guess some people have the money to burn and want that little bit of boost and a limited edition version.
  13. I dont know to much about the LS1 but I have helped a friend do his LS1 swap a lot so I am always hearing him talk about future plans... He said something about adding LS6 heads and a big cam, all for close to 1000$? and adding a decent amount of power? Dont quote me on that, and thi LS1 is carbed so it may be simpler.
  14. CLEAN!!! personaly I think that looks much better then the white face autometer gauges everybody seams to go with.
  15. Yeah sure thing, that makes sense, thanks
  16. I must have been out on a pleasure drive... crazy how they have pics of everywhere, but nobody sees this thing http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=3539+oxford+st+napa+ca+94558&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.450489,56.601563&ie=UTF8&ll=38.322013,-122.315941&spn=0.008333,0.013819&t=h&z=16&g=3539+oxford+st+napa+ca+94558&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=38.321507,-122.315631&panoid=Lx8pfQEvZZ9-KTJESPHJSg&cbp=12,246.32726047384992,,0,5
  17. I like it, mostly because its back to the reason Zs became popular in the first place, value, If your going to buy a new car and have small budget it seams like a great choice.
  18. HAha, thanks for getting me to laugh about it, that was pretty funny. I still dont see how the glass broke the way it did though, the edges of the hole raised up like a small hill, and shattered to every corner like it was. But hey weirder things have happend
  19. Ive heard that before but didnt know it was from a movie, When a girl fails idk if that means you should dump her, but when a girl passes the test you best hold on to her.
  20. Hot Import Nights, and it appeared they were just stopping cars at random. I would imagine that with smog exempt cars they cannot send you to a state ref, maybe just give fixit tickets, I do not know for sure. Point is its still illegal just easier to get away with. Even with cars that do have to be smogged it isnt that hard, you just have to pay a little extra around smog time, and dont be a dick to cops when they pull you over.
  21. Well I was cleaning out all of the glass getting ready to put on the new hatch (Thanks Dig280!) and I did find a rock... ... ... ...
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