Im bored so... : Start by putting in the guide bearing (is that what its called), You will need to bolt on the manual flywheel, put on the clutch and pressure plate, bolt on the manual tranny... either drivshaft can be used, modify the center console for the shifter, Bolt on either the brake and clutch pedals, or cut the brake pedal and bolt on the clutch pedal, Bolt on the clutch master cylinder hooking it up to the pedal (duh), Hook up all of the hardlines to the slave which will be bolted on to the tranny... Oh, and you will have to hook up a nuetral start switch ir just hook a pushbutton type thing from your starter.
The hardest part for me was the pedals cause it is a pain to get your arm into the places it needs to go to bolt those up.
If I forgot anything let me know, its been a bit sence Ive done this