Finished the turbo swap, the whole time it wouldnt spark there wasnt really anything wrong with my wiring, I was just had a friend over to show him how it wouldnt spark and go figure, it started sparking.
Fixed the timing and all was good, for about a day and a half.
yesterday afternoon I was driving her around town, and it started to sput, then died, I popped the hood and all that had happened was the negative battery cable had popped off... sigh of relief... not!
Re connected the cable and guess what? No more spark and no more green light on the ECU.
I called a friend and we towed the car back to my place where I checked and double checked EVERY SINGLE CONNECTION. No fusible links are blown, Everything that should be getting power is, and The EFI relay still functions.
Yet still no green light on the ECU, still no spark.
My best guess would be the Crank Angle Sensor is bad, My second guess would be the ECU.
So what do you guys think? If the Crank Angle Sensor was not functioning would that cause the ECU light to not kick on?
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I did try resetting the ECU. and That I am thrown off by the fact that before it was running, when it wasnt sparking, with the wiring the EXACT SAME WAY that it is now, and while it was running, the ECU light would work, but the car wouldnt spark.