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Everything posted by MJLamberson

  1. There is also a thread with a couple of pages of type 3 pics in it.
  2. Its BS. search for electric superchargers or something, there has been a couple of threads about them.
  3. They are not as rare as you may think. I think there are two members on here who have molds and will make a new one upon request.
  4. Yeah, it doesnt matter which wire goes where.
  5. Alright I will be sure to check my relays, Im not sure how to to do that exactly but Im sure I can figure it out. I think I even have a spare EFI relay somewhere, the trick is finding it. where did I put that little thing... And when I said I checked my fusible links I didnt mean simply looking at them, I took them off and tested to make sure power flew through them.
  6. I appreciate the tip but I dont think it is a solution, I know the EFI and ignition harness, both stock and zxt, pretty well at this point and as far as Ive seen at no time does the EFI harness go up under the dash and rely on any of those connections to run. But I do appreciate the idea.
  7. Good thing it wasnt in the Z, those and guardrails do not mix well at all, a friend of mine in the area with a 76 slapped on pretty good, it left a perfect imprint of the rail along the entire passenger side of the car...
  8. Well unless the problem is deep in the harness itself, the wiring isnt the problem, I put the harness back together, re doing and questionable connection... still no sign of life.
  9. Well Ive ripped out all of my wiring, figure I might as well start from ground zero, If there is anything wrong with the harness this will be a decent waste of time but Im willing to take that risk. Ive added two grounding wires from my intake manifold straight to the battery, as well as a couple more chassis Grounds. Ive also sanded down every ground and grounding location down to the bare metal to ensure great contact. I also decided I might as well ground the grounds that were grounded for the NA ignition system, just in case. I also installed the proper shaft for the distributor, I was using the NA shaft with my turbo dizzy which had probably a degree or two of timing play which wouldnt cause my problem but I figured I would make everything as legit as possible this time around. While I was down there I decided that, because I now have more oil lines and will someday be running an oil cooler that it wouldnt be a bad idea to up the oil pressure a bit, Just added two thin washers to the spring in the oil pump, a trick I read about in the "How to modify your..." book. Anyways, its about 4 am now and as much as I want to finish this, I just dont have the faith in it anymore so I suppose I will get some sleep and put everything back together in the morning... later in the morning. Hey, maybe with some luck it will start up? I figure the worst case senario is that I put in the new ECU that I will be getting and it doesnt work, then I will KNOW that the problem has to be in the harness, Ive already replaced everything else, another thing I may end up buying twice. If you have any other ideas please send them my way, thanks.
  10. To short on money, and There is no way Im going to try to sell any of the turbo conversion stuff when I know something isnt right with it, I know what its like to have to buy ♥♥♥♥ twice, Im not going to make anybody else do that. I will go MS sometime, but Im kinda in a slump, hard to get another job without a running car, hard to get a running car without a job. Ill will eventualy work this out though, it cant be doomed forever, right?
  11. Well I will be buying another ECU today or tomorrow, but a part of me is thinking that it will not fix my problem, why? because I figure the inline fusible links that go to the ECU would have burnt out first. But they are in fine condition. As stated above, my positive post on the battery could have grounded out, what would that cause? Still looking for your ideas. Im afraid Im going to end up like this guy http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=109618 Help. Im starting to loose hope.
  12. Im sure that it would have a bit of a negative affect, but how much of one, who knows? If your not running crazy boost numbers or anything like that I wouldnt worry about it, but thats just me.
  13. I know Im bumping an old thread here but do you guys think that he actualy lost a notable amount of rigidity by taking that portion out?
  14. also, if instead of searching for 240z,260z,280z ect, just search s30... That gets me to the foreign Z car vids usualy.
  15. Your engine is out of an 83 so the CAS is on the dizzy, meaning you need an 83 zxt wiring harness and ECU, The turbo ECU does not plug into the NA harness. You really do need to search though, sooo many people have done the swap...
  16. Mines same size as well only, not as good looking...
  17. Lets jut say I am just about done wiring up my zxt harness into my s30 for the turbo conversion, and I simply wish I had gone with megasquirt from day one.
  18. The swap is basicaly done as far as we know, but we havnt even started it up yet, its been just a few random small things holding it back, but hopefully thats all been covered now and we should be firing her up this weekend, but I think Ive said that before so dont quote me. and no, There isnt much room at all for an airfilter under the hood with that carb, a scoop of some sort will probably come into play. Kevin you wanna chime in?
  19. Im taking calpolyz up on his offer, and thanks to the rest of you for responding and letting me know what you had, its appreciated.
  20. Actualy That could have happend, would that cause an ECU to burn up? I have checked all of the fusible links and all of them are good, including the two that give power to the ECU. And lowrider, thanks for the tip.
  21. Well while the thread is up... Ive already stopped counting how many times Ive been pulled over, Loud exhaust, couple times for speeding, exhibition of speed, a few of the just because times... Once a cop pulled me over just to see how my car was coming along cause I had known him already from working events for the city. One of the best times was when I had this chick in the car and I was showing off, idk, maybe around 90mph being dumb, got pulled over, guess what... her dad. yikes! Just the other day I had like 4 units show up at my house, we had just finished welding up a friends 3 inch exhaust and had done some high revving and some driving up and down the street to see how it sounded, I guess somebody who lives close by didnt like that to much. Ive only had one ticket though, and my car has been down for a wile now so its had some cool off time. Good times
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