Well Ive ripped out all of my wiring, figure I might as well start from ground zero, If there is anything wrong with the harness this will be a decent waste of time but Im willing to take that risk.
Ive added two grounding wires from my intake manifold straight to the battery, as well as a couple more chassis Grounds. Ive also sanded down every ground and grounding location down to the bare metal to ensure great contact. I also decided I might as well ground the grounds that were grounded for the NA ignition system, just in case.
I also installed the proper shaft for the distributor, I was using the NA shaft with my turbo dizzy which had probably a degree or two of timing play which wouldnt cause my problem but I figured I would make everything as legit as possible this time around.
While I was down there I decided that, because I now have more oil lines and will someday be running an oil cooler that it wouldnt be a bad idea to up the oil pressure a bit, Just added two thin washers to the spring in the oil pump, a trick I read about in the "How to modify your..." book.
Anyways, its about 4 am now and as much as I want to finish this, I just dont have the faith in it anymore so I suppose I will get some sleep and put everything back together in the morning... later in the morning. Hey, maybe with some luck it will start up? I figure the worst case senario is that I put in the new ECU that I will be getting and it doesnt work, then I will KNOW that the problem has to be in the harness, Ive already replaced everything else, another thing I may end up buying twice.
If you have any other ideas please send them my way, thanks.