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Everything posted by ZZZeee

  1. ZZZeee

    Seat re-covering

    A guy here quoted $1500 to reupholster two seats in black leather. His company is one of those low-budget mom-n-pop shops off the beaten path too. I just turned around and walked away. If I can't find someone to do a decent job with good materials for $200-300 for the pair I'll just buy new seats.
  2. This is actually true of all electrical components and especially important if they're class A topology because they run much hotter. Of course, this is hard on the A/C in the summer time.
  3. From what I understand these standards were initiated by the last administration. The current one is just implementing actionability of enforcement.
  4. I'm not one to ask for advice but I'm in the N.E. San Antonio area. I have an Alpha 1 built on an early '74 260Z. It's on jack stands awaiting my mechanic to recover from the flu. Welcome to HZ!!
  5. Old, old, old, old..... old, old........ old dr_hunt.
  6. Is Pete (I can't remember his screen name) still making fiberglass ones? I bought a set and they're very nicely done. They certainly weren't cheap but I think it's worth the cost to never worry about moisture damage. These things will last forever.
  7. Deja... did you use a heat gun to shape the fiberglass?
  8. If the guy would sell the lot at about a third of his buy-it-now price I would consider buying it to resell in smaller lots... after I make the parts I want, of course!! It's a shame this didn't work out for him.
  9. Pekinese are closely related to pugs. Great dogs, LOL!!
  10. Hah!! You got that from the PE forum!!
  11. There is no such thing as "smart". Only those who believe they are smart are smart. I do not believe they are smart. Smart people are only smart in their own minds. And time does not exist except in the minds of those who believe it does. EDIT: Do not try to bend time. That is impossible. Only try to see the truth. There is no time.
  12. ^^^ Yes but those wrecked Z's were traveling near the SoL.
  13. If I wasn't selling my second shell I would DEFINITELY be interested in one of those... if not too pricey.
  14. Not "Ford vs. Chevy"... I LIKE Fords. It's a "CID vs. cost" thing. Heck, if cost was no object I might build a stroked 351... 400?
  15. ^^^ Wouldn't a rolled up newspaper be safer and just as effective?
  16. Why buy a 347 stroker when you can have a 434 stroker at the same price or a 383 stroker for less? Or, to put it another way, why have a 302 when you can have a 400 at the same price or a 350 for less?
  17. ^^^ That's very cool. Good for you giving that little mutt a good home. When it's time for a new dog I'll be rescuing one from the local shelter. As cool as my pug is he is surely the product of a puppy mill. Never again...
  18. Door panels... I bought a fiberglass set from Pete several months ago and they're very, very nice. They're worth every penny but they were a wee bit pricey. If I ever need another set I'll just buy some sheet aluminum, bend/pound them into shape, then trim and cover them in vinyl.
  19. ^^^ How did THAT happen?? Seems physically difficult to me.
  20. It's always bothered me how they use 2-dimensional imagery to represent 3 or 4 dimensional space.
  21. Is the chip board to remake inner door panels? If so, why not use fiberglass or Lexan instead? Just about any non-porous material has to be more durable than that pressed wood stuff. Sorry if I'm not catching on to what your doing.
  22. I'm sure as heck no Einstein nor do I know anything about quantum physics or relativity. But... no, I don't think that's the answer. I'm more inclined to believe gasses and everything else is/are denser at or below sea level because my boss is at sea level. He is an inestimably dense individual. I strongly suspect that, if he were to ever climb to the top of mount everest, the entire climate would invert... would probably even rain upwards.
  23. Fraud over the internet falls under the jurisdiction of the Postmaster General, I believe. As such, it is also a felony.
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