Hey Blake... It's great to see you treating the old gal like she should be. I hated to see her go but I feel much better knowing she's in good hands. Please keep us posted on your progress!!
This isn't always the case but it should be. I know it's true of Doc and his son though. I remember previous posts about projects and hunting trips between the two.
Sorry, BRAAP. It wasn't intentional. I would leave a smart-a$$ remark to lighten the mood but I'm a little tired at the moment and I'm worried I wouldn't craft my verbiage cleverly enough. Maybe I'll try after I can get a minute or two sleep.
Wow... that's really cool. I didn't know they swam in such huge schools. It seems like the TV programs are always depicting them as solitary creatures, more or less.
Hah!! What some folks don't realize is that it's some of the admins who edit our signature lines as jokes. Most of us are cool with that. We know it's all in fun. And don't forget we can't change our own titles. Only admins can do that.
Just trying to play nicely. I think someone thought some of us pooped in the community sandbox and they scooped out the offenses. Anyway... it wasn't intention if we did.
Yeah, that would be just fine. But don't forget the turbo, intercooler, and other neat stuff. I won't fodder your life by returning them though. I'll send you my uber-cool N/A V8 instead.
I was going to post another Admin/Mod ribbing but then I thought maybe I'm being taken too seriously and decided to give them a break. They really do a nice job here on HZ. The cleverness thing though... not gonna comment on this time.