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Everything posted by ZZZeee

  1. Hah... now that's different!! Now... let's recycle the jetted water back to the pump, put it on wheels, and do a little highway flying, LOL!!
  2. Direct visual inspection is the best way to go.
  3. Ooohh... you'd better hope Chelle doesn't see this post. She'll shame you in a heartbeat with her GTO.
  4. I looks bada$$ though. Several years ago I nearly bought a Triumph Spitfire with a similar powerplant. It was c-o-o-o-o-l. Sorry to slide off topic.
  5. A 4.7 year old thread... resurrected. It's alive... IT'S ALIVE!!!
  6. Heh, heh... 2.7 year old thread. It's alive...... it's ALIVE!!!
  7. I didn't notice anything odd about the boy's behavior. Breathe deeply and..... r-e-l-a-x..... heh, heh..... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh..... bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.............
  8. PICS!! fiberglass fenders w/ steel headlight buckets http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4541.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4542.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4543.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4557.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4558.jpg fiberglass headlight buckets http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4310.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4311.jpg fiberglass hood (no vents) http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4780.jpg fiberglass doors http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/doorshood.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/left_door_inner.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/left_door_outer.jpg hood w/ vents http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4857-1.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4856-1.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4855-1.jpg fiberglass hatch w/ Lexan http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4616.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4607.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x214/250_GTO/Datsun_Z_Stuff/DSCN4610.jpg For some reason photobucket is messing up some of my images on upload so there aren't any photos of the fiberglass wide flares or the carbon fiber inner door panels. I'll try again tomorrow. None of these parts are perfect but what ever is? PM for specifics regarding anything you're interested in.
  9. It's "brake" not "break", people. You guys are braking this thread.
  10. Man, that's just crazy. Kind of cool in a weird sort of way though. I think I'd just mount a seat on top of one of the drive units... reduces weight and drag.
  11. I think Globerunner offered the best idea.
  12. I'll post links in a couple hours. However, somehow I missed that you need ZX parts. I don't know how many of these will fit. I think the only part that was specifically made for a ZX is a turbo hood. At any rate, links coming later tonight.
  13. One of these days every possible melody will be copyrighted and no new music will be available. That will be the day the music died. Pop a top and break out the golden oldies.
  14. My concern would be damage to the outer crystalline structure of the aluminum.
  15. I see nothing wrong with your idea. If it's a friendship thing then just say that in the card. She'll think about you everytime she wears it. Fair warning though... don't be hurt if she stops wearing it if/when she starts dating other guys. It's difficult explaining to your significant other why you're still wearing jewelry given to you by someone else... even if it is just a friendship thing.
  16. I sold my complete empty rolling chassis (nearly rust-free) without bumpers, grill, or interior parts except center console, and with crappy inner door panels, and a good dash... for $500 to a guy just north from me. It went with an R200 w/ half shafts and a drive shaft.
  17. Mmm... improvements vs. compromise of safety vs. performance? Yes. Overall difference of power:weight ratio? No. I expect to be killed if I make an a$$ of myself. If you really want safety go buy a Volvo and find a different forum.......
  18. Yeah... those sticky oily residues can really muck things up.
  19. Pouting works. Practice in the mirror... tears well up... bottom lip quivers... stuff like that.
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