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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. It's really old, so it must be really flawed. I bought some 280z belts because I wanted the original style buckles but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to mount them so that they would work properly. I ended up getting the msa seat belts and fed the other buckles through. The way I figure it, the car is really designed to protect the seat , if you get ejected from it, you're not doing yourself any favors. That is to say they're designed for the most common situations; of course every design has weaknesses. What kinds of accidents are we planning on getting into here anyway? That said, I too worry mostly about getting t-boned. It has already almost happened twice at low speed when I was turning left and someone was about to run a red light. It did happen to a friend of mine and his car ended up half the size (if he had a passenger that person would have been basically pureed, all for the sake of some lady in a minivan trying to get her kids to school on time).
  2. If everything is straight they should be about the same. I don't even think 2" is enough, let alone going more caster. Unless you left out that you replaced your springs with cinder blocks... My stock springs are squishy as hell and the wheels with 3" clearance even rub my flares every once in a while and I'm planning on fixing that with some heavier springs and tighter shocks.
  3. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/forum/10-brakes-wheels-suspension-and-chassis/
  4. The pressure the tranny puts on the floor could be greatly reduced by simply making the crossmember inline with the mounting point so that the entire engine doesn't leverage against that fulcrum as it tilts back under acceleration. Also is it possible to use the original posts that are inside the tunnel or did you cut them off already? They are made for this purpose and should be much more solid than just the flat skin made to keep your feet from dragging. I made a bar that goes straight across the tranny mount to the floor but also goes up to the original posts to make it structurally sound. It doesn't look pretty but four points get the job done better than two.
  5. What's there to be skeptical about? It cost me like $40 and arrived within a week. I have the silvermine kit and there's already less travel than the original system. I would think that you'd rather be able to tease the brakes some instead of it just be all or nothing like an on/off switch. Range of motion is good, you just don't want it to bottom out or feel really squishy of course. For autocross I suppose the truly ideal setup would be whatever matched the range of the throttle, but that's what aftermarket pedals are for.
  6. https://www.northernautoparts.com/ProductModelDetail.cfm?InventoryId=139447
  7. That's pretty pathetic. They could easily make it 9% of the shipping over X amount or something (or make the sales fee include shipping but lower the percentage to balance it out). Their profits are going to go through the second roof after this one. This is probably going to cause an increase in off auction sales, and then to combat that ebay will start charging higher insertion fees... Everyone should start putting in their ads that ebay is charging a shipping tariff which comes out to 9.89% extra handling fees being passed onto the buyer. I always tried to be competitive enough with the shipping that I would even lose a little money when you consider the price of careful packaging.
  8. "Passive restraints in a car doesn't make it safer if the driver then ASSUMES he's invincible because he has airbags, and drives like an idiot." That's exactly what's happening. People take safe cars for granted and drive like they're playing gran turismo. I see way to many people buy huge cars under the assumption that they are inherently safer and drive like assholes. In fact I wish I had a tally of all the times I've been cut off or passed by someone whose weaving with the pedal to the floor and put an actual statistic on just how many of those are large trucks and SUVs. The higher the lift on a vehicle also seems to correlate with how terrible the driver. I've heard of very few insurance predator stories, but nevertheless I thought we were talking about actual accidents here. If you find yourself in a deathproof plot then I suppose you've got bigger problems. I'm also not sure how illegal aliens are tied in, could they really cash in on you? If I smashed into an illegal alien that presumably didn't have insurance to boot, I'd assume to be pretty much off the hook, but I don't know how that works for sure. But yeah, I totally lied about living in Socal, busted...
  9. I'm not finding much info or product support on this, does everyone just abandon all hope of having a working defroster on a 40 year old vehicle? Aside from completely masking and repainting the glass by hand (not even sure how far a little bottle goes), where can you get repair/replacement grids? I've only seen kits for narrow quadrants that seem to include all the electronics and whatnot to run the system, which makes them way overpriced. Exhibit A - designed for patching small voids, not really for complete runs of degraded vanes Exhibit B - designed for adding a couple vanes to a surface such as a sign or windshield wiper area I'm hoping someone knows of a shop that offers a service, or even better, someone that sells new replacement windows with defrosters, but it seems doubtful.
  10. But would that think have sold for more than $10 on CL?
  11. Need a full set. Will consider 17x9 or as low as 16 for fronts. With or without tires. Preferably black
  12. Perhaps you also bumped a loose battery cable? Hold the key on for a few seconds and feel if any of the wires are warm.
  13. I like that people post recommendations even in the parts wanted section to help you save money on a potentially unnecessary purchase.

  14. Kragen, Checker, Schuck's, O'Reilly, they're all the same thing. They have pretty much the same suppliers as Autozone and Clark's Discount, none of these guys could get it either.
  15. They had one reman yesterday and when I went in to order it was gone. Cardone doesn't have any direct either they only take cores to rebuild. The new one listed is also unavailable.... The kragen in Portland supposedly has one anybody want to mail it to me? :/
  16. Ah I thought those were the 7/8 because they didn't say. Online the 15/16 are way more expensive for some reason. Still have to be special ordered. They supposedly can get new as well but they have to call the supplier to even see what the price would be.
  17. I need a 15/16 brake master for my 240z disc conversion (mounting holes are vertical)
  18. Kudos. Those prices are actually pretty typical. Some sites go crazy like their parts are gold, but some of the parts this site sells are actually pretty rare and priced accordingly.
  19. I don't know what to do about the russians either. Awe dammit, he spelled dammit wrong. Edit: I've been watching for like three hours now and haven't gotten to the speech yet. Wait a minute, this is the SOCIAL NETWORK! Arrrrrg gouge out my eyes!!
  20. some "who can pass" ...oooookay? For that price he could just buy a new one My question is, what are the odds that a shady smog inspector is surfing CL's auto parts section for work?
  21. I usually get fairly delayed replies, not sure if it's because this isn't his primary income or if he's just in that high of demand. I remember a while back asking him when the new parking caliper would be available and he said "as soon as I get through this stack of orders" so perhaps he's been swamped.
  22. Well we want hot biker chick wives because we want to have our cake and eat it too. Although at some point most of us realize that settling isn't really settling, it's just that the grass only looks greener on the other side. And seriously, why do people struggle so hard to make a relationship work? It's actually harder to leave than stay, no better time to weed out the chaff than as early as possible. If you're still in the dating period it's typical to be on the "honeymoon" and if there are already fundamental flaws then it's only downhill from there (or is it uphill?). You shouldn't have to work through things like that until you're pretty darn committed. Also, how do you know the mixed signals aren't just her relapsing on her original intentions? Sounds like her mind has always been made up, she's just battling with saying she'll get used to it (in order to keep you) and how she really feels about it. She won't be able to go on like that forever--once she knows she's keeping you regardless, the curtain will drop. It's not some diabolical plan on her part, just a subconscious mentality that causes that chain of events, we all do it at some point.
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