Well we want hot biker chick wives because we want to have our cake and eat it too. Although at some point most of us realize that settling isn't really settling, it's just that the grass only looks greener on the other side.
And seriously, why do people struggle so hard to make a relationship work? It's actually harder to leave than stay, no better time to weed out the chaff than as early as possible. If you're still in the dating period it's typical to be on the "honeymoon" and if there are already fundamental flaws then it's only downhill from there (or is it uphill?). You shouldn't have to work through things like that until you're pretty darn committed. Also, how do you know the mixed signals aren't just her relapsing on her original intentions? Sounds like her mind has always been made up, she's just battling with saying she'll get used to it (in order to keep you) and how she really feels about it. She won't be able to go on like that forever--once she knows she's keeping you regardless, the curtain will drop. It's not some diabolical plan on her part, just a subconscious mentality that causes that chain of events, we all do it at some point.