For what it's worth, a tiny update. (I didn't vanish!)
I decided to hell with making my own gauge and I got an autometer cobalt speedo.The dakota digital speedo adapter may very well have worked for me, but I was sick of sweating over it and investing more in a silly project. The gauge looks very nice though, and if the tach keeps giving me crap I'll just get the matching cobalt one, and later on three small ones. At any rate it's not such a bad match anyway. The lazer gauge has not been on my good side though so far, strike two msd!
Also, not that I have money right now, but if I did, I'd spring for the fiberglass fender flares from the Z store, I recently saw that they had some without the boltholes--non zg style. I think they would look good molded in, and I could use wider tires then that are more worth the money. I'm not sure how much of a step up the ones I was looking at would have been anyway.
I still have o2 sensors and fuel injectors on the shopping list, among other things obviously. They should be replaced though at any rate, not so much for upgrading purposes. I could never figure the o2 sensors out, I'm thinking the heaters don't work and one seems to read different than the other. My biggest problem is that I don't know where to get them at reasonable cost, is there any domstic nissan that uses the same ones? The injectors could be to blame for a lean condition though, and rather than get them cleaned I might just spring for bigger ones for the hell of it.
There's a small coolant leak that has been boggling me forever and I'm going to get a pressure tester to pinpoint it. At first I thought it was the overflow tube or something, it seemed like it was leaking more when hot and full and subsided when low, but it looks like my imagination because I found it slowly dripping even when parked and it's coming down from somewhere on the end of the core! Seems like the darn thing had a manufacturing defect and there's a pinhole in the weld on the cap, hopefully it will turn out to be something I can get to so I can fix it.
Someone owes me a bunch of money and if I ever get it back I'd like to invest in supplies to make the interior panels out of fiberglass, perhaps even sell some sets if people are interested in upgrading. The replacement ones seem to be somewhat cheaply made, and I'd like to modify the design a little anyway (get rid of the fake speaker holes and the bump that was for the emissions can, possibly make the sides a one-piece construction). I'm taking classes on composites anyway so why not put it to good use?
Once again, I digress. Cheers!