This past weekend I was able to spray the color on the front end. The paint code is KY0 for those interested. Basically the entire front end (AKA the jigsaw puzzle) was sprayed first and were used as my test pieces, including the hood, bumper, fenders, headlight buckets, inspection lids and cowl. 2 coats of base (color) were used, the clear coat will be added after the pieces have been washed using water w/ liquid dawn detergent and applied with a super fine scotch pad.
Now on to pic of one of my pieces that worries me. Here you see some fuzzy paint crap that appeared on/in the paint as I sprayed the piece It looks like some paint didn't atomize in time before it hit the surface? There are other smaller spots on other pieces with the same crap. The pieces were wiped down with a wax/grease remover and tack cloth prior to spraying, so the piece was NOT dirty. Anyone got a clue what it is and if I can remove it with 1500+ sandpaper?????? That really put a damper on my day