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Everything posted by PanzerAce

  1. Damn that sucks man. I'll keep an eye out in case it heads into the central valley. Makes me glad I'm parked in by my housemates when I'm not awake...
  2. If you really want one for the M104 (if I can't find a good source for the other trans), I'll keep an eye out.
  3. I get that stronger bolts are better, but I'm looking for some quantitative explanations, so that I can start doing some math on my long term project (NA 3.6L M104. After the LD28(T))
  4. So...I would put this in an engine specific sub forum, but I suspect it's something that every one could use, so it's here instead. I'm wondering how people come up with their engine's redline. I see on other forums that people talk about mean piston speed, max piston speed, or sometimes max piston acceleration, and always with a pre-set number as a maximum; but really, what determines how fast you can spin your engine without destroying anything (assuming everything is built right out of quality parts).
  5. Most of your questions can be answered by using the search feature. But, off the top of my head... L series (six cylinder) heads are all swappable. E88, E31, P90, P90a...if it's for a L24/L26/L28, you can put it on any of them. 390 is probably more than enough for a little L24. the KA 5spd will not bolt to the L (AFAIK). If you want a five speed, you should start looking for a L specific one (they're pretty cheap though, so it won't be hard). as for overboring an L24, why not just use an L28 in the first place? or if you're really set on using the stroke of a L24, just swap a L24 crank into a L28 block. As for the questions re S13s...probably going to be better off asking on a different forum. People here are generally going the other way with engines.
  6. Finally got around to ULing those photos. I just went ahead and zipped everything into one file, since it's easier on space. HKS plenum pictures: http://www.mediafire.com/?zbjyywzhikl If anyone wants it, I also have the service manual for Mikuni PHH carbs in .pdf format.
  7. That's the exception that proves the rule (as is my own in progress diesel swap )
  8. Yah....we go more for the "dump unburnt fuel out the tailpipe when the engine's cold, lay some rubber down at the lights, oil is a renewable resource (in the long run)" kind of hybrids here
  9. There aren't many diesel threads around here, not quite the type of swap most people are looking to do. AFAIK, tecknomage is the only HBZer with a LD28 swap current (he's been having some computer problems though, dunno how much he's about to get on these days), and (also AFAIK), I'm the only HBZer currently working on a diesel swap. That being said, feel free to bump any of the diesel threads you find if you have questions that aren't answered in them. One of these days I'll get around to hosting a bunch of LD swap pictures I got from tecknomage
  10. hey there i saw your posts on a diesel thread wih tekno's, wondering if you could give me some advice on where to source an LD28 from?

  11. No second language at all unfortunately :/ though if I could finally find a real job (stupid economy), I could start playing around with an S20 myself and try to figure out what other guys were doing years ago...ah well, eventually.
  12. 345+ NA out of 2 liters? daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Any where else I can read up on that Tony? Also, the more I read your posts, the more I have a sneaking suspicion that you know a guy named Larry who's a few minutes up hwy 99 from me.... Also, Mag, we should probably take this to PMs, but where are you finding any info for the dbilas cams? The site I found only had prices for re-grinds and repairs...
  13. Cool, thanks for the info. When I (eventually) get my LD(T) swap running, I'm going to want to hand off my '73 to someone while I start building a new engine for it.
  14. Luckily for me, the Z season is 360 days a year (the other 5 being either when the Tule fog gets bad enough to stick around all day, or it rains so hard that even cars with traction control don't go out)
  15. I didn't see it in the thread (maybe I just missed it) but where was the resto done? or did you do it yourself?
  16. That's the plan Though I'm probably going to be talking alot with a local former MB tech, since he used to build MB engines all the time, and has some kind of black magic tricks that he does with them. I got to drive one of his cars once, and when I popped the hood, I couldn't believe there was no turbo. Thing was absurdly fast even with a light foot on the throttle.
  17. You made me a convert Plus, the more I look at the straight sixes that are around, the more it makes sense. Though when I do mine, it'll probably be a 3.5 or 3.6 NA setup
  18. While he claims they will be produced again, I'm not going to be waiting for it. yes, an OSG head would be amazingly awesome, but for the 36,00+ USD that guy claims they would be asking for it? Pass. You're *still* limited by the bottom end at that point. I'd rather spend that money on building a M104 powered Z...Same number of cams, same number of valves, more displacement...makes way more sense. edit: Hell, for that much money, might as well find a S20 to build up...spend the extra on suspension or turbo stuff...
  19. It's a good movie, worth the HDD space. In fact....I've got to be up for another hour and a half, I'm going to go rewatch it
  20. It was getting cleaned after an outing (of which I haven't had many. Stupid work)
  21. Lol. I was actually cleaning my 91/30 yesterday (LE GASP! CLEANING? A MOSIN?), so it was fresh in my mind. Plus, the magwell is pretty distinctive And I have to know now, how did you manage to break a mosin so that you needed a new bolt?
  22. I would say you forgot the cost of the Mosin stock, but those are a dime a dozen anyways nice costume.
  23. yetter, how much do four rotor shafts go for? I've only ever heard of "a buddy of a buddy of a buddy etc" that ordered one, but if you've gotten them direct, how much do they go for. I've been thinking of rotaries alot recently, and while I'm not going to do a four rotor within the next decade or two, I would love to know how much $$$ that would go for.... hijack>
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