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Everything posted by Six_Shooter

  1. So it's two turbos sharing a common combustion chamber? That wasn't what it sounded like to me originally. Yeah it's been done, search on you tube for "twin jet turbine" or something like that. I've seen plans for upto 6 in a radial design.
  2. Many drag wheels are quite a bit narrower than the tread on the tire. This is most likely largly due to the low tire pressures the drag cars use, to get the tire to have more contact patch with the track surface than it would at higher pressure. As the tire spins into higher RPM (aka the car is traveling faster), the tire grows (well all tires do this to a point), and the contact patch becomes narrower and shorter. With the narrower rim, the tire to grow a bit more than it would on a wider rim, increasing the circumfrence to gain MPH and hopefully a lower ET. The smaller contact patch also reduces rolling resistance.
  3. Both of those lights require something to trigger them. Most people use an RPM activated switch, also available from Auto Meter or MSD. If by "My EFI is capable if triggering", you mean that it has a shift light output, you may need to use a relay or transistor circuit to bump the current capabilities of the output higher to turn the light on.
  4. That sounds very close to a jet turbine, which requires a combustion chamber for fuel and air to be ignited to drive the turbine. Without fuel, and a combustion process, there is no power released to be used by the turbine to produce momentum of the shaft to be used by the comprrssor wheel (and housing) to move and compress air. Are we going for an Epic Fail here? Internet Icon thread?
  5. McInnes. Yep not expecting much of anything from this other than "hey guys it didn't work". the basic design of a turbo says it won't work. One side, the turbine, drives a shaft that spins another wheel in another housing to move air at a high velocity. When you connect these two ends, all you have the limitations of what one end will flow before it impedes the other.
  6. When a Z car gets washed, it doesn't get wet, the water get Datsuned, it's been this way since 1969.
  7. Hmm, I'm really liking that 240SX dash. But I bought the 240Z partly because of the look of the dash..... Decisions, desicions...
  8. I like the look of the carpeted tranny tunnel. I'll see if that look will work into my planned interior.
  9. I think his problem is that he doesn't have a vacuum source. I would T off the PCV, if there is absolutly no where else that can be used, even drilled and tapped.
  10. There's an easy way to prevent that.... Use relays to provide a high current capability to the balasts, while being controlled by your existing head light switch. Even if you don't change to HIDs, it's still a good idea to use the relays with the existing headlights, to provide a shorter path between the battery and the lights, making them brighter and last longer.
  11. Yep tried google, maybe I was too specific and entered in the entire title including the GTR/BMW that was in the first post. Too much to ask to just get a link? Is this it? http://gtr-game.10tacle.com/index.php?id=246&L=1
  12. Cool. I skimmed through it but looks to be very complete. I find it interesting that in the early Datsun EFI, they used a "Throttle Position Switch", that only detects idle and WOT. Thank you.
  13. Can I get a link? I don't plan on using the Datsun/Nissan EFI, but I like to have information about it, as I may get some ideas, and it's just good to know. Thanks
  14. Check on the material that it has to be made from. Around here the windsheild in an automobile has to be made from safety glass.
  15. The picture over shadows, the only word in your post it seems.
  16. Nice. I'm not a fan of the Red Green Show, but there are times when something funny does come from that show.
  17. It was your car I was looking at the other night, and I must say I love the way you did yours, it's almost convincing me to chop mine. I love the look. The only thing that is holding me back is some sanctions don't allow chopped tops in certain classes of racing, calling it an "aerodynamic advantage", who can really argue that? I have some other ideas to improve the look without chopping the top, but we shall see.
  18. You know, I'm not a fan of the S130 (which is surprising I like boxier cars), and I don't like the G-nose for the S30, but that G-nose of the S130 looks very nice, I like it. I don't own an S130, so I can't add to your group buy, but I just wanted to cmomment how I like the look of at least that car in the picture.
  19. If I were to make something similar I think that's how I would do it, to have the cowl panel still seperate from teh ood and have only that flip up. I think the builder was looking for a very smooth look, and combining the cowl, service panels and hood into one large part, definatly does make it a bit smoother. The car has some VERY VERY nice touches, some I like, some I don't, overall it is very well thought out and the execution looks to be very good as well.
  20. www.zhome.com has a lot of information on the early S30. I did find on there last night, that there was a slight overlap of the 240 and 260, of about a month. It also has known highest VIN number for a 240.
  21. That is exactly it, Thank you. I could have sworn that I saw it in a thread here on HybridZ, but I guess not. I had even looked at a thread here on Hybrid that showed the chopping of the top of that car, just nothing after that. After looking through that car domain entry again, it looks like the chopped Z thread I was looking at last night was a different car. I don't feel so bad now for not finding it.
  22. I'm sure there's more differences that I've overlooked too. I just know the lights are easy to spot.
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