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Everything posted by Corzette

  1. I did away with the rad mount all together. I have the Griffin aluminum rad and just had tabs welded on each side then it just sits down on the frame and I bolted it to the radiator opening with rubber washers in between. Just another option. Costs me $50 for the tabs and a pet cock (cawk) plumbed in. I think I have a pic or two in my album...Ill check. CZ
  2. OK, heres the deal for those that are thinking of the rear disk swap. If you do it and have a 240 MC and brake booster, replace it with the 10 inch unit or the 280ZX booster and MC. After I swapped that in today I couldnt believe the improvement in braking. Its like night and day. I have a good stiff pedal that stops very well. The back does not lock up with the fronts either even though I still havent put the proportion valve in yet. I dare to say that I am finished with the upgrades.....I still need to get some tubing welded in under the car where the rear frame starts just behind the seatbelt box on the floor. I can see some twisting going on there and need to get it welded in soon. Oh I did have to turn the booster upside down to be able to fit the best thru the firewall (280ZX Booster). I removed the spacer on the booster and had to remove the nut on the the front of the pedal stop then screw it all the way in to get proper clearance for mounting the pedal to the booster fork. Its a perfect fit. You will have to redrill the firewall too if you still have the stock 240 booster. Other than that it was a piece of cake. Terry
  3. Such a sad day.......oh geepers who am I kidding?
  4. Guys I put up some cool pics of my rollcage and some others before I left Okinawa. Check em out below under the RollCage Album.... CZ
  5. Well Im finally finished. Many hours in the garage yesterday to complete the CV swap. It was very easy and I would recommend anyone doing it themselves. I am sorry to say I must defect from JSR because I drove the Z lastnight with great results!!!!! Ill always remember the great times we had on the stands instead of in the stands!!! CZ
  6. Click on my site below, there are many pics on most things there... CZ
  7. Well said......A B C D......XYZ..... I think it should be ZETTE vice ZEDD though because in Japan its pronounced as "ZETTO" Just drop the O and add an E.... CZ
  8. Well I have to say a couple of things... 1. Do you have to upgrade? No the drums will work depending on what your doing with the car. The bad things is that the drum stuff is getting harder to find and keep up etc. Old technology. The Disks are newer technology and more simple to upkeep and last longer with less problems. 2. Do they feel better than the drums? Yes, on mine I could tell a difference in pedal and stopping. I would suggest upgrading the MC and Booster as well if you have a 240Z to put more fluid in the lines and have more vacuum assist for braking. Also, the proportion valve to the rear line is a good thing too to help even out the ratio from front to rear. So far I am very happy I did it. Overall it just makes everything easier and brings it up to date. If you plan on keeping your Z forever like me, then why not upgrade her as you can. The fronts are most important I think however. CZ
  9. UPDATE.... Completed the rear disk swap...too cool!!! Me likey. The vibration was coming from the rear drums and now its smooth as frog hair....me happy. I got rid of the rear clunking over bumps by inserting the spacer washer in the illuminas like I was supposed to in the first place. Figured out the E-Brake thing...Im stupid...however I have to take out the E-Brake mount where the anchor plate is where it swivels just behind the e-Brake arm because it fell out of its hole and is misaligned...does that make fricken sense Tuesday I will take her in for the tranny stuff....more to come....
  10. Well, everything bolted up really easy..no probs there. I did swap the E-Brake cable like suggested and it fits good. I am not putting a P valve in line yet. I really dont think I need one. It stops fine. However I am upgrading to the 280ZX Booster and MC. It just makes sense to me that if you double your caliper volume, adding a bigger MC and Booster goes right in line. I figured out the E-Brake problem but there still isnt a clip that will fit to hold it solid. I think you could put a hose clamp around the top of the mount fork to keep the cable from possibly popping out but Ill think of something. At anyrate it was a cool install. After Monday doing my Booster valve upgrade to the 700R4 and filter/rear yoke seal, I am gonna tackle the CV upgrade...wish me luck......no more vibrations...it was all coming from the drum brakes being out of line....I have all the drum stuff for sale cheap if anyone wants them....oops I better post in the other forum...
  11. Update!!!! Well I finished the rear disk upgrade. It was easy and time consuming but fun. I am still trying to figure out the attachment method for the clip on the E-Brake cable though. Not the one provided but where and how to anchor the cable without having them pop out of the little arm on the 240SX calipers) Also I made a mistake, I am replacing the Boost Valve, not the Throttle Valve on the 700r4 for firmer shifts (Big Difference). Dont let the tranny shop tell you that you have to take off the throttle body to do this because YOU DONT...They just want to make more money. I got an estimate today for the following: Oil and Filter Change (Tranny) Rear Yoke seal replacement (Leaking) Boost Valve .500 upgrade (Super Firm Shifts) for a total price of $100 Im stoked about that! Oh yeah, remember i got the 280 rear strut caps to quieten down the rattle in the back....after taking it apart I found that i had not placed the spacer washer on the top of the Tokiko strut before tightening down the retainer (the cap that holds the strut in the tube). This left an 1/8 of an inch play which caused the rattle....stupid me. Any way I put those in and now it feels like a new car. Oh yeah also when I took my old drums off I found that the drum piston on the left side was out and bent!!!!! remember the vibration I had and thought it was the drive shaft? You got it...after my disk upgrade I drove it and SURPRIZE no more vibrations.... Im happy right now. So after the tranny work is done, I will attempt the CV swap.....more to come... Oh I do have a drain plug! Terry
  12. Yeah its the kit from Ross...Brembo rotors, 240SX calipers, carbon fiber pads with E-Brake and Zinc coated brakets. I got them all on OK and the brakes work but the E-Brake does not and was wondering how you keep the cable from flying off the arm on the calipers. It is too thick to put the stock clip on it. I think the E-Brake is a major problem for Zs anyway. Can someone shed some light on the hold down method of the E-Brake cable once hooked up to the caliper? CZ
  13. Well for all of those that have gone before me, I now share half of your excitement. I started my rear disk swap today. Man It was a beach to get the dust cover off with a hack saw But it was accomplished. Man that setup looks so sweet I just want to sit and look at it. Now I have to do the other side tomorrow! Has anyone done the 280ZX Brake booster and MC swap into your 240? Was it a direct bolt in? Do I really need a spacer and turn the booster upside down? More to come!!!! CZ
  14. Amen to that...I hate everyone too ...uh..well except for the Z brothers and sisters! But seriously, government and policy has gone too far. I do live in the country with 4 acres and I love it. The Marine Corps background helped alot too. My kids are now old enough and programmed the right way that I dont have to worry much about them being one of those kids. My son always comes homes telling me how stupid the kids at school are etc.. He is in JROTC and it has been the best thing for him....I watched him change and influence my other two kids beyond belief....life is good so far....
  15. Well heres something to get us started...not a bad game....kinda stresses you out though...lol http://www.trustmymechanic.com/racegame.html CZ
  16. By the way when I was born, I was already 21 so I was never a kid!
  17. I agree, the kids are reflections of thier parents anyway, some dont want to admit it. Who really knows what goes on behind closed doors. Off with thier heads I say!
  18. Be advised that the retrofit hydraulic roller lifters are expensive as hell! I think around $400+! from Comp cams....also make sure they dont sell you stuff that is being discontinued. They have done that crap to me twice, once on KB106 pistons and again on the rollers.....be aware when you order to ask the questions... Terry
  19. I would say yes because I have the retrofit stuff in mine. I dont remember asking for a retrofit cam when I bought it but I could be wrong. Just tell the store your buying it from what your plans are and they should be able to put your mind at ease.
  20. Hey whats the best way to polish up the WELD rims? I have a drill, do they sell an attachment I can use? Anyone have any input? I know to get the aluminum polishing compound but do they sell an attachment for a drill? CZ
  21. Mike, I was told if all of us married folks wait till were about 70 or so that all the wives will have hooters like that......well a little lower I guess...
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