I see yours has a V8, mine has front and rear strut tower braces, roll bar and my sub frame rail is extended , all these items has help to minimize the Z's creaks and groans. She is also rot free. FWIW
At local car events my Z, due to her transplant, sound, stance and sexy body she gets tons of looks, and always hear the comment '' lots of money in that car ". So the value perception is there but the will to pay is not there. Is it because the DATSUN marque is not recognize as a true collector or the icon that the Z seems to be is limited to a few
I have crazy money in my Z, I see values all over the board , we have purist, we have motor swaps, we have rat rods and every thing in between. Ebay is a good gauge to see what sells for big $$$$$ , it all depends on emotions , well sorted cars with room to personalize them seems to be ticket. FWIW
BIN is TWO large http://www.ebay.com/itm/290869656766?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 wow , now a good pair of used S30 rear lights will go for a grand.............