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Everything posted by majik16106

  1. can i ask a seemingly related but a little different situation just to get some more insight from you guys. maybe get some cool info for some of the guys who build dual purpose cars. On a car that is a street/ track car. there seems to be two popular ways of going with wheel tire combos.. a problem i had. old school vs race car styling. i like to look at what im driving, but i also love being competitive at a track. So some of us would go with Zg flares and 16inch wheels (IE John C's track set up) and then some of us may go Imsa/yz flares and run 17s. so a 16x9/16x10 with say 245 and 265 v700s or... 17x10 and 17x12 with 275/335 v700s.... with suspension being the same,except that with the 16inches the car may sit a little lower because of the smaller wheels, your saying that for my track set up... the 17inch car would in theory be faster? so street guys who are a little more track oriented may be better off going bigger?
  2. I would say the extra stress caused by the larger rim/tire combos are minimal. i mean.. any change in suspension, which wheels and tires effect, would effect the rest of the system, but at worst id think if your joints were already worn, it may wear them out a little quicker, but most of the guys here beat the snot out of these cars.. so it may be a little hard to tell if its just how hard we drive them vs. change in wheel sizes.
  3. well im still gonna call u once i get my car done so we can go terrorize people if your up for it.
  4. how come i wasnt invited? that hurts.. im right down the road... but hey.. now that your going toyota... now your speaking my language.. your gonna love it if you do it.
  5. ha!, thought that car looked familiar. shouldve known i guess. and here i was all excited thinking there was another 7m z on the board. well... get more VIDS!! and hey, if you can work it, try to get speedometer run from say top of second to mid 4th. that was my fave place to run even on the .57 ct.
  6. Whats the set up? more info on the car please?
  7. thats gonna be a fast drag car... just cut where you need room, if all your gonna do is drag race.. you could always tube out the front, save some weight and have all the rooms you want.. lol.
  8. nah... people have been doing coil overs like that for a LONG time. its not that much stress. especially on older japanese cars or cars where they dont make coil over kits.. build your own. hot rodders been doing similiar things.. Qa1s havnt been available forever.. lol. you can find threaded collars lots of places and just buy the right size springs and rates you want. I had the modern-motorsports set up before and loved it.. and you cant go wrong with stuff from beta.
  9. glad your back.. cant wait to see how this all turns out. amazing car before, three times as amazing now!
  10. lol.. some japanese companies do.. i have tein coil overs on an s30 once but i think it may have had some others cars suspension grafted in (s13 maybe), and of course spirit garage sells a complete bolt in set but it comes with the spindle and all like AZ's complete set up.. my question would be the same as john's... whats so hard about either using your own or just having some welding shop weld the collars.. its not that hard and would save you a crap load of money.
  11. amen... they have been doing a lot more xrays!
  12. im glad more and more people are doing this. awesome swap. id like to see how well a stock twin bpu type car would perform.
  13. it is opinion based. and i never said rwd/ or even awd was more or less fun, i was simply stating.. if you havnt tried it dont knock it. because the example i used it one of the most fun things i can think of to do. if i had a garage of 10 cars.. you can bet atleast one will be a built FWD car. not a high hp turbo car or anything.. just an auto-x handling machine.
  14. not true... the 04+ Sti... japan gets a 2.0 still.
  15. map on the front page lol. or call and ask for directions.
  16. they arent worth crap there for the most part... dont know if you know about japanese tax laws and road laws and such but the older a car is.. the more of a pain in the ass it is to own it. think about it.. some guy from america goes to japan.. buys a running good condition low mileage 180sx with an sr in it.. say 97 model. cuts it in half.. brings it back here to america.. removes the engine, harness, and tranny.. sells it for roughly 2500 bucks.. and is making a profit... just think about it. youd be shocked what a decently mileaged nsx, supra, gtr,evo, sti goes for over there.
  17. Iga Ueno for some other non car related fun... Matsumoto castle, Shengakuji, Azuchi Momoyama Bunka Mura, Hakone to see fuji and Lake Ashi, The sony building is freakin ridiculous fun, Hameji, Kiyomizudera... feel free to look any of them up, typing any in google or yahoo search should bring up plenty of info.. and as for car stuff i cant believe nobody has suggested the following: http://www.spiritgarage.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo0WeyGFSDA and you call yourselves Z enthusiasts.. shame. Feel free to e-mail me or pm me any questions... I love Japan.. going back next fall for ten days and will probably visit lots of the places i just listed AGAIN.
  18. guys can bash them all they want. like any crowd when the car in question costs only a few grand to purchase.. most of the people having them wont build them probably and thier will be plenty of wannabes. check this out, lets say some american movie director does a big budget remake of Wangan Midnight and teens catch on to these older Hybrid Z cars, which they can pick up for a few hundred dollars as shells all over... you dont think after a few years a majority of the members on this site will be stupid kids over hyping thier own builds? thats what happened on supraforums. i have been a supra fan since way before 1993 and a owner way before that movie came out and let me tell you.. it used to be a ENTIRELY different crowd than it is now. and for guys who race or auto x alot. driving a z is fun, but driving a tuned type-r or a nicely swapped and built EG hatch on a autox is so much fun. there is nothing like driving a well tuned dc2 through some sharp down hill turns at any road course with major elevation changes.
  19. nevermind i got it. i know its not mine but i do know the specs so here they are! CCW for the win! i would post mine but i dont have my car together yet so everyone has to wait till SEZ in the spring unless i get feeling saucy. the only car i dont know is the first one, so if anyone knows who it is.. please chime in. This is cleve's old car, now Bob's, 17x11 front with a 4.5inch bs i believe, and 17x12 rear with a 5inch backspace, 335 kuhmo v700s on the back. awesome blow thru turbo carb set up for those who dont remember or havnt seen it before. And Mark Rolstons older set up before he got the new Mesh wheels from ZE forged for the super street photo shoot everyone has seen. CCW in 18x11 on all four corners, 5inch bs all around. Ive said it before and i will say it again, I love john and the crew at CCW, great price and amazing wheels!
  20. more cars with CCW's please.. i cant believe the only one so far was the 200sx. there was cleve's old purple car.. now bobs, and also that dark red car that was at SEZ a couple years ago.. i think it had 16s but i dont know who owned it.. i can try to find a pic.
  21. i was just telling someone, wait till john replies. lol. I looked at the hoosiers, but they seem almost completely unstreetable, i have had v700s on the road before and they actually arent THAT bad with wear.. you know.. for what they are. but you pretty much answered the question, the 265s are fine.
  22. my secret... lol. problem is.. i cant find a dot/comp tire in a 275/285 for a 16inch wheel... if i could.. i would. and i dont want DR's.... thats why im going with the 265's i think, its the best option. i mean, i could drop the rim size and go 9 all around or 9.5 in the back... but that seems retarded. i prefer to have the sidewall stand up instead of stretched out believe me.. but it may not be an option unless someone knows someone who makes a wider size for a 16 or i switch to 17s and re-flare the car
  23. thinking of running victoracer 265/45/16 on my 16x10 rear, and a 245/45 on my 16x9 front. anybody use this combo or know anyone who has? seems a bit stretched on the rear but im thinking it shouldnt be a problem. i wanted a DOT tire, since the car is mostly track but some street. just looking for any input. without the sidewall cushion in a little worried about it being REAL squirrely since the car is bad enough on its own. i just really wanted to keep it old school but i may end up with custom flares and big 17's. any comments, suggestions, input welcome!
  24. no go, your not liable for someone making a bad decision. no collision, no problem. your insurance wont pay it. or atleast thats how it should be... you should have told him to screw off at the scene. the police report at this point may hurt you depending on whats on it, he could take you to small claims court and try to use the police report to prove you caused damage to his car when he attempted to avoid a wreck... like when you total your car by swerving to miss an animal or something. its weak... but he could try it. he'd have to prove thats when the rim was scratched though...
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