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  1. In our z we put the 4 core that zstore had at the time. it actually fit in front of the l28. But we weren't able to make the 2 fans pull cause of the room. so really any rad from the zstore would be a safe bet.
  2. Kinda a bad shot. But got our new EFI Hardwear ITB in. So i had to do a mock up. Plenty more work to do tho.
  3. Best picture i could find quickly. I possibly could have more. L28 at the time still with distributor, but all front wires were send under fender
  4. Just did a slight bit of demo. Bring on the 5th or 6th winter tear down and more modification on the way
  5. We bought that full kit about 2 years ago. Im curious did you have to machine down the black alum adapter from the hub to the disk? Cause i know we had to Dave mite have changed it. Also you can get the 6 piston in the rear also.
  6. I know this is off topic. But were you list the electric fan. I found a solution for our 3.1 stroke, if you find a late model s30, 280 i believe. The factory thermostat has 2 holes for senors. 1 for the water temp gauge and another for the fan. Plus the electric fan relay to that and its been the best method for us no more probes in the rad. Also since were looking into possibly getting rid of our 3.1 and going for a rebello. for them to make you one fully built its and approx, 10k cost
  7. Um im not 100% sure on the type but we did a t5 out of a Mustang and attached it to a l28 stroker. Its allot of work but its much stronger then the t5 from Nissan. Eric if you got question on something like this i should be able to help ya out.
  8. What size did you pick for the main one and the 3 sides? Thinking of doing it on ours also
  9. Id be more curious on how the back looks and if there would be any difficulty installing them
  10. Um since i don't have a booster anymore not sure how helpful i can be. But would shortening the shaft that gose's to your pedal possibly pull your push rod back in? Also realy if its only a 4 mm spacer in inch its around 5/32 thick. So if you would take a nice piece of aluminium and shine it up it could look of, id say better then going and hacking up the rod
  11. Tony just move up this end. We get for driving our Z a mid to end April to a if were lucky end of October. If you still have the heat hocked up in the car. Al tho it give plenty of winter project car time il say its never enough time to do it all. But i got no clue how in nice sunny environment you have how you could spend 1-4 years to build a car and not have it. Our took 4 years to build, and il be running on winter 5 or 6 cant remember and we still are modifying it.
  12. Looks like most of you guys when the plates were fab they were tiged in place. Although ours dident turn out like the poster ones. ours were just stick in place by a licensed welder tho. Then we ground them down. Haven't had any issue with them and its been over 5 years on the car.
  13. Il lol on that. roll bar is only in there for looks. Its chrome platted and not atchated in 1 spot. Still need to secure it its only been 5 years :S
  14. I see that the tach fits in nicely. What size gauge is it? Was it the 4 inch or bigger?
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