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Everything posted by datsun723

  1. good deal! wish there were more junkyards around here
  2. agreed! I have a '78 and I trust it to get me through college and whatnot till I can get another car and make the Z my project
  3. agreed. I've bought from him before with no troubles so it's probably on the mail end of things. Does he have a tracking number for you?
  4. Yea i'm considering doing the same thing
  5. I agree with the mad max feel that's going on here. I'm a fan of this front end
  6. it sounds too muffled for me. definitely has that quiet until wot feeling though
  7. btw, found this video on youtube. sounds pretty much like my Z and until I get some video of my own...here are the twice pipes and how they sound. pretty darn close to straight pipes and are perfect imo.
  8. Haha that's wicked. I know that my Z backfires when coming off higher rpms but I don't know whether or not anything can be seen projecting outward of the tail pipes haha
  9. wow Right by the wheel well!?
  10. you guys use cats? hahaha
  11. Haha, I'm quite familiar with that style and it's totally not for me! I don't think that the blindspot in the Z is all the big or bad but another point, personally, that I'd want a loud bike is that there are soo many drivers out there that just don't pay attention. Two crotch rockets the other day flew past me while I was doin 90 at probably 130 or so. I couldn't hear them until they were flying past me weaving in and out of traffic. Crazy!
  12. I agree 100%. I don't like it when people repeatedly blip at a stop light. Jus a tad over the top imo
  13. I actually find that quite amazing haha. I've never ridden a Harley or something quite that loud (motorcycle wise) but I think that if you're gonna ride a bike, it better be louder than my Z so I don't miss you in my blind spot and hit you
  14. if it's something that HE likes or is interested in, don't outright say that "people" like him annoy you. that's jus a tad harsh don't you think you might say "I find the straight pipe setup annoying because it's so loud." hybridz is a great place because it has so many different opinions. everyone's should be respected.
  15. i personally have the twice pipes and while, yes, the glass packs do quiet it down a little, eventually they'll burn out It's pretty loud as is. I actually do like the straight pipe setup though. Sounds pretty mean imo
  16. wow! i jus went through this thread and your engine has come a LONG way! props
  17. you're all over everything now! good job
  18. I agree....stick with the corolla. It's an awesome dd, gets wayy better gas mileage than a zx would, and can haul more. Plus, you'll have it forever! only 38k!? Luckyyyyyy
  19. I'm sure you have numerous reasons, but why an SR20?
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