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Everything posted by JKDGabe

  1. Somehow I suspected those would be the responses, it was that or "oh, about $20 - I'll take it off your hands". Let me put it this way then: assuming that you're doing this for a customer, what would you charge to affix the scoop if you're supplying the bondo and sandpaper?
  2. http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/%7Eyugo/storage/monocrafts_ver3/03/index.html
  3. This one? Despite the multi-colors it's slick.
  4. The motor mounts are different as well, you'll have to make them or pay someone to as there is no "off the shelf" option.
  5. That's how rumors start. I think I'll go repeat it on a few other sites...
  6. JKDGabe

    Semper Fi

    My grandpa was a Marine from 41-45. Lost his eye in Hawaii of all places. I would have joined had I not had back troubles. Happy birthday Marines! Thank you for serving!
  7. I was well aware that it was a fraud from the beginning... I've also heard how hard it is to catch them. That's why I figured I'd make 'em go to the trouble/cost of sending the check. I think I'll give the address but not ph.#. If I get the check I'll post it for all to see! Then I'll delete my hotmail account... This is not the first time it's happened and if it happens again I'll go to the authorities.
  8. I advertised my truck on another site and one of the people that replied was "Samson Apollos". Red flag #1. His poor english and the fact that he offered $1000 more than I asked (for all my help in shipping ) were red flags #2&3. I apparently deleted his first email to me but here are the next two. What I had originally planned on was simply framing the bogus check as a good story/way to inform friends. There's no way I'm gonna give him my physical address, what I want to know is why he wants it! Any idea's?
  9. It's not the heads, it's the fact that the fuel doesn't atomize well enough. Phyte's solution with the different intake sounds like the way to go. I searched the chevy forum on this a while back and found alot, but can't remember it and too lazy to look it up again.
  10. Ha ha! I don't think he wanted to hear that!
  11. If I thought he was dishonest about it... I wouldn't tell him. Just bid and if you win contact him and say you'll come pick 'em up! If he refuses... that's what feedback is for.
  12. If it's possible I'd want to work with him. Not only do you see what's being done to it you get to learn...
  13. Ebay, junkyards, camaro/corvette forums. Alot. At least to this poor boy! It depends mostly on who does the work. You or a shop? It's been discussed many times with many different motors and you'll get some idea if you'll do a search.
  14. Something like this one. Lousy shot I know... Just a slight lip or flare on the tail is what I'm looking for. I saw one car that had the hatch sealed and slightly extended back and up, lost the pic... anybody remember that and maybe how it was done? (I don't want to seal the hatch)
  15. Spent some time in NZ so I knew that bit of history but didn't know it was your birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  16. If you're tired of it the best way is go to the track with him and shoot it out there. 8)
  17. I don't know how it will work for you... I am interested in hearing how it turns out though. As a sandblaster I can assure you that it will be cheaper for you to use a stripper before you take it in to be blasted.
  18. They're right about the searching of course... I've learned a tremendous amount about Z's just by surfing the old posts. The first thing I would do is the body. Get rid of all the rust, then frame stiffeners, then brakes/suspension.
  19. As people are fond of saying around here, "do a search". It's easy, fast and fun! Alsil sells a prefabbed mount if you want to go that route although there's been quite a few who made their own.
  20. I'm sure somebody here has some pics already, if not I'll take some. I suggest you get the JTR book and make your own mounts with their measurements.
  21. And that's why I'm gonna watch it. Gotta hope predator wins, at least they're humanoid.
  22. Dang that looks sweet! Wish you hadn't posted pics though, now I have the urge to shave everything... uhhh, muussst reesiiiisssst.
  23. It's already in the car? Are you or are you not using JTR mounts? That's all I've got so it's all I can get pics of.
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