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Everything posted by JKDGabe

  1. You're a bad man... a very bad man. Your son =
  2. I think that should be called "autoxing in the MUD". Looks like fun! Wouldn't use my Z for it but still...
  3. Sorry... the f-body LT1's are iron/alum. while the b-body's aren't. Realized that I wasn't clear.
  4. Yes. If it's price holding you back I'd buy an LT1 from a b-body (caprice or impala) and rebuild that for the boost. Iron heads but you can port them or swap them. Sometimes you can find them really cheaply.
  5. 2+2 has a backseat, coupe doesn't. It makes the car slightly longer and changes the curves a little.
  6. I guess I'm just a pessimist and believe that pulling in $ is what the majority of tickets are about. There are a few places/people that feel that's not the driving force but I believe the majority are more concerned with filling the coffers than safety. I've watched how most LEO's tend to target the poorer class for the above mentioned reason but the targets will change when the rewards do. Rather than making it harder on everyone why don't we look for a way to make it easier on everyone while keeping public safety standards high? ie: repeat offenders get some jail time. No bail. Everybody gets careless sometimes but the crazy/repeat nuts would begin to think twice. Perhaps the government should spend less and the average person should take more personal responsibility huh? Of course, if you'd rather live under communism there's always China.
  7. Contact 80LT1, he bought them but can help you out I'm sure.
  8. We all are, it's human nature. But when we use that as an excuse for the government to "stick it" to the rich that's the practical outworking of communism. If a person has a habit of lawbreaking they should be punished. But I believe it should be incremental, and not just financial. Give the government the ability to make money like that... it's gonna be abused sooner or later. It's also human nature that "power corrupts". Maybe... but rich people don't get rich by not caring about their money. People who never had to work for it have less respect for the work it takes to make it but most people do care. (I'm not rich so I can't answer that definitively can I? )
  9. If you don't know anything about FI then I'd say just buy an LS1. They support gobs of power in stock form, it may even be cheaper in the long run than mixing and matching your own setup. Somebody like Grumpy had better chime in on that though...
  10. It's a "sticky" in the Site Support forum. I looked and found three members in the Atlanta area. cancan1678, bluex v1, mkraetz. I didn't see you listed in the Georgia forum...
  11. 1: how many swaps have you done? 2: what was the hardest part of this one? 3: any pitfalls for those daydreaming of following in your footsteps?
  12. Isn't that what this http://hybridz.jimzdat.com/forum/ is all about?
  13. If you love exotic coffee you might want to skip this one. http://www.straightdope.com/columns/010525.html
  14. If you're patient you can find a t56 alot cheaper than $1,300. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2459681637&category=33733 Start lurking on F-body forums (if you aren't already) and you can find some great deals sometimes.
  15. How much money are you prepared to spend and how good of a mechanic are you?
  16. Sounds like a great find! It's a good feeling isn't it?
  17. It's been discussed once or twice before and without going into it any deeper than we have already... there it is! I really think the best bang for the buck is to find a Caprice with an LT1 and take the motor, put a T5 behind it and later upgrade heads and cam when you've got the money. Don't let it scare you. I haven't done it (yet) but quite a few people have and they say that without prior experience it's not that hard. There's nothing wrong with carbs, I just wouldn't recommend it for a commuter and I can't afford to have a "weekend only" car. Just keep reading and you'll see pretty quick what it takes, I don't have all night to type and believe me - the info is here. Happy reading!
  18. I like the "couch burrito" idea. I wouldn't use a tarp though. Just take two straps/ratchets and tie a couple of ropes to those and lower it down.
  19. He had an LT1 and just went to an LS1. The motor mounts for the LT1 will work with the JTR mounts while the LS1 won't. But it is fuel injected and will give better performance (not per $ but overall) while giving great driveability and gas mileage. Those who have done it say wiring isn't as hard as it may seem. You'll certainly get plenty of support from members here although carb is a little easier and it's definitely cheaper. To me, if it was gonna be a daily driver I'd go LT1, if weekend warrior probably carb to avoid the initial expense.
  20. The LS1 and LT1 are different. The LT1 has the older motor mounts and the JTR kit works with it. There will still be some help here for you though. The 350 is 5.7 litres.
  21. There is no manual for it... yet. Johns' cars of Ft. Worth did Phantoms and sells a kit, I believe if you buy the kit he'll give tech support. Several members here have done it. I can only remember Phantom, Maichor and Mas280 off the top of my head though. http://hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=30022 http://hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=30611
  22. http://web.camaross.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=221217 http://ls1.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=463819 Your best bet is to haunt F-body or B-body forums. http://www.ls1.com/ http://www.ls1tech.com/ http://www.camaroz28.com/ Do you want an LS1 or LT1?
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