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Everything posted by JKDGabe

  1. Congrats to both of you guys for the kills. bastaad525, I'm gonna warn you... SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES!! Put 'em in, I'm sure you're gonna eventually but don't waste time - do it pronto. It saved my life once so far.
  2. Kevin, call me Gabe. The JKD stems from my email address which I use for students/training partners in martial arts. No big deal... Oh man! It's been a couple of years... basically he says he had two dads. A metaphor obviously, but his real dad was always living on the edge while his best friend's dad was VERY wealthy. He asked him to teach him how to be wealthy. And he did... the biggest thing I learned from it was that things like the house you live in and your boat etc aren't assets. They're liabilities. ANYTHING that you spend money on is. Anything that brings money in is an asset. On the subject of good books about money I'd actually suggest "The richest man in Babylon" first.
  3. I was picking up my little brother from school a few minutes ago and heard that. I nearly drove off the road laughing! It's funny reading it but hearing it... oh man.
  4. I concur with Neil, it can be dangerous to your health. If there is a pro in your area it will only cost a fraction of buying the equipment. On the subject of doing it yourself I wouldn't do what ZachB55 suggested. It may work but for consistent quality you need to control the amount of sand being fed into the line.
  5. If it needs to be stored longer I'll do that. If you're in a big rush I don't think I could work something out but if not... good chance I can help.
  6. Sorry to hear about the accident but happy you've got good family. When I was 12 I cut myself to the bone just below the thumb. Sat there and looked at it thinking "wow, that's kinda cool. 3 second later... OUCH!"
  7. In case you missed my vote the first time, GET A TIPPMAN! I have had good success with Spyders as well though. 190fps is pretty slow... 300 is the legal max. 260 is a reasonable speed IME and is also the most accurate. Obviously common sense is needed so as to refrain from "bunkering" hard. The way paintball was headed towards "speedball" and away from the woods was pretty much why I quit. All flash and no stealth... but if you've got friends and your own land that's great. You'll definitely want to buy extra equipment such as chrono, bottle refiller, scale and rent a large bottle from a welding supply place. Next to paintballs the "air" is the biggest expense.
  8. That's a pretty good deal for what he's got. I used to have a Tippman Flatline, if you can find an A-5 with a flatline barrel... oh yeah! CO2 fluctuates too much with temp.
  9. This advice may be totally out of place but I bet a jelly donut it'll help. When you're totally cool go apologize to your dad for the temper loss. If it looks like the conversation will turn sour in any way, find a way to leave quick before it does. DO NOT discuss who did what/why etc. just apologize and if he does to then great... if not, he'll still be easier to get along with later. My .02c's from experience. (I might have made one or two people mad in my time but don't tell anyone ok?)
  10. As most of you should know by now, I'm having to sell my Z. I'm looking to replace it a diesel car as I already have a diesel truck. VW is probably my first choice as they seem to get the best mileage but finding one in my price range AND in my area is pretty hard. Merc's are much more common and being that I want to use bio-diesel anyway mileage ain't that big of a deal. I know what to look for in general on a car, but I don't know anything about Merc's in specific. Was there a best year/model design? Any flaws I should keep an eye out for?
  11. Actually Joe, your first mistake was this statement Is that possible? Your second mistake is that you apparently expect civil behaviour from a ricer. I for one have never seen it and thus assume it to be the exception not the rule. Sad though...
  12. JKDGabe


    Most of the time that's true. I really love the commentary made by a motorcycle mag (can't remember which one) on the V-Rod. (paraphrase) "Harley has made a gigantic technological leap forward into the 80's". That cracked me up, it's just so true.
  13. JKDGabe


    Actually, if you are patient and know what sells well you won't lose money (except what you spend on maintenance) on a small bike. Lots of people are always looking for one and they are cheap to begin with. Ehh, yeah. But it's not just about power it's also weight. Anytime you're going over 10mph it won't be a problem but low speed maneuvers are where most people lose it. Look at what most people say "yeah, it got dropped by the previous owner in the driveway..." hee hee, they never want to admit to doing it themselves...
  14. JKDGabe


    If you aren't an experienced rider I'd suggest a small bike to begin with. Try beginnerbikes.com for some good suggestions.
  15. JKDGabe


    If you've got money to burn and like to do maintenance by all means, get a Harley. If you just like the looks, get Honda - Suzuki - Yamaha cruiser. Those are reputed to be the most reliable. And at a few years old they'll be in your price range. I've never seen a reasonably (IMO) priced Harley.
  16. Mmmm, would have to know your top speed as well. He'll definitely get the jump on you but I've never ridden a fazer... the late 80's sport bikes don't have anything on the new ones. Todays 600cc bikes will roast the old liter ones. If he's not used to riding (or riding that) then you've got him I'd say.
  17. When I got the car the guage didn't work. So I hooked it up per JTR instructions (all it was lacking was the wire from the alternator to the + terminal on the battery) and it just barely moves when I turn the key on and doesn't move at all when it starts and runs. Yes, the alternator is good. I know I saw a post on this a long time ago but can't find it... is there a way to check it or do I just have to get a new one?
  18. Very cool! So do we get to see pics and hear some details? Or did you already do that and I just missed it?
  19. Just spend lots of time searching and reading this site, there's been some impressive stuff done. If you have a specific q' perhaps we can help. But if you want to keep the moderators happy (and we all want to do that ) search before you ask. Look for member "alsil" and find his old site. It's no longer his but it's still up...
  20. So what difficulties are you having? I am only aware of one person doing this swap so far although several are contemplating/beginning it.
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