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Everything posted by 260ZRED

  1. I took the quote straight from my pol-sci teacher, never thought about checking/verifying it. He said it in class the other day and it stuck in my head as something really bizzare..... sorry for the b.s.
  2. Disconect the battery, even if its weak, before you start tearing it all apart! If you have a wire wheel you can just de-foul the plugs without doing any damage at all - 4/5 seconds per plug and they're better then new. If they're fouled really bad (they're black) and you dont have a wire wheel, just get new ones and see if it fires up with that... Good luck man. post some pics of your monster when you have it running!
  3. If the State of Texas was to leave the U.S. and declare independence, it would rank the second highest country by the number of executions it conducts every year. (The U.S. would be first.) If Harris county (thats Houston basicly) was to succeed from Texas, it would rank as the third COUNTRY by number of executions done each year. I think Russia or China would be #4, I can't remember for sure..
  4. Ain't nothing to worry bout. Socialistic governments and repression/ punishment of the motive to self profit will keep all those countries occupied by poverty (by our standards) for a while. I find it interesting that New York has a higher GDP then Russia. also, funny spelling and grammar mistakes in the article. "According other think tanks, this coalition will have an overwhelming influence over the United Nations" <--- has US ever considered UN seriously? I bet some people here think it exists just so they could have a good laugh every once in a while
  5. No bro I dont have anything even close to turbo stuff. Wish I did tho.. maybe this would help? I was told its a rust bucket by a guy who's seen it. http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/7/9/76264779.htm
  6. Don't forget the sandpaper man. You'll want some real quality stuff, not some cheap #$%^ that rips on you. Its not really a tool I guess but with good paper you can work so much more efficiently. Best I found is either the "aluminum oxide" or the "silicon carbide" types... packs of 100 is what I buy. Makes regular 3M feel like a kleenex... Are you going to get a full-blown TIG set up or MIG?
  7. hehe 1 grand for "BATTERY RELOCATED TO REAR"? lol I dont think any amount of time will net 15k for that...
  8. thx guys. I decided to go with HF... I kinda like their stuff anyway Im gonna buy it tommorow. If it totally sucks Ill take it back where it came from. I already got the pedestal and the concrete sinkers and even the damn $$$ concrete bit they said would eat concrete no prob. lol live n learn...?
  9. go for it. I've had mine 6-->1 flattened so much I was basicly running on 4 cylinders. Took it to my school's welding shop, heated it up with acy. torch and jammed a pipe in it (b.f.hammer helped alot) to straighten the tubes, then welded up the couple holes we accidentaly made.. so go for it, just make sure you're welding on solid metal and not rust. I had to sand mine down pretty far it was so rusty... Should be easier if you dont need to straighten anything out, but just weld up some small stuff!
  10. can anyone post or PM some pics of polished SU's? The pictures Im hunting for were from a set from ebay. The guy who polished them did an AWESOME job, and I'm sure you know what Im talking about if you've seen the pics. Fully shaved intake tube, mirror polish on everything visible. You can't forget them if you saw them. Thing is I got a new comp and forgot to back up the pics I had on old and since then the old computer died. wont even power on. it was a cyrix 133mhZ anyway if you got the pics im looking for please please share 'em! thanks..
  11. basicly, you just want the same vacum (I believe thats what the unisyn measures) for both carbs, at all load levels. Do a search there's some nice in-detail tips for tuning SU's all over the place... when you have vacuum readings that are identical for both carbs, then you can start to tune the mixture. you'll have a feel for it in no time, and you can certainly do it without colortune (what is that?) or the unisyn.
  12. this is what I need to buy: there's nothing interfering with the buffing wheel, i.e. its possible to buff say a valve cover or other engine parts.. I'm going to wait for a decent one to pop up on ebay.. close to home. They want around 50-60 dollars just to ship something like this. (it does weight a ton..supposedly)
  13. how easy is this? buffer's are really expensive, much more then grinders, but the only difference is how far the axle reaches out. anybody?? looking at this one for now:
  14. whats up man? Seems everybody here in H-town knows everybody else on this board.. pretty cool! I can't wait for the winter break to go to work on my 260....
  15. man they should have put that in one of those liberal colleges up in Cali. or here at U.H. (our statues suck, i.e. the one in front of our lib. is a collection of giant rusted out zig zags, they call is abstract.) I failed art in high school but even I can't see what he was trying to go for... except to get sued and thereby get free publicity?? I think that had to be it.
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=43570&item=4337967311&rd=1 I just bought one of the two he had for sale. Price is very good, considering a unit thats exactly the same sold for around 230 today. (was watching it to get feel for prices) I should finally be able to sandblast all the rims I have stacked... wahoo
  17. I painted it white. I still have it. just bought some new stuff for it, as always you still at that place with them crazy speedbumps? I still get nightmares when I remember the screeching of my header against that concrete. I had to heat that thing with an acy. torch and take out dents.. I was running on 4.5 cylinders for a while there lol.
  18. what exactly do you need done??? maybe it aint as hard as you think? but I probably shouldnt be talking I sold my uncompleted V8 off topic: hey Mike, rem. you sold me some 'rolling around' rims like a year or two ago? you got any six spokes or nazi rims? Im looking for more sets to polish.. and thought you might have a set or two? PM me if you do...
  19. 99%, but I was damn proud of my 100. I had 165 good transactions and then this $%#@. It just makes me so mad that he waited untill I actually refunded the money. For all I know he could very well have both the item and the money. I'd love to find out and take care of it but looks like thats a dead end. lesson for me, and for all of us who deal on ebay, BUYER/SELLER beware.
  20. I had a 100% feedback rating untill this one guy screwed me over.... I'd like to know yall's opinions on what I can do. Here's what happened. I sold a set of camaro sunvisors, the guy claimed he never received them. I decided to bite it and refund the money. A LOSS of 25 bucks for me. So I sent him a check by mail. He waits untill he receives it. Cashes it. And leaves me a negative feedback. (found it just now!!) His feedback is a 66.7% I know I know I should have banned him from auction but this never happened before and Im not sure what to do now... any advice? how do yall deal with this kind of b.s.?
  21. our Polsci teacher said a phrase today about Iraq that got me thinking. He said "Democracies tend not to fight one another." Looking back through history I can't come up with a counterexample. That MAY be one of many worthwile reasons for the invasion (and rebuilding) of Iraq. If all the middle east countries were Democracies, we'd actually have a possible Israeli-Palestinian peace, or at least a better chance of it. That would surely piss off all the "brave terrorists" LOL! and those "clerics" who preach death to american infidels. Is Iraq war "illegal?" History is/was/will always be MADE, WRITTEN, and REMEMBERED as told by the victors. Was Hitler's invasion of Poland illegal? Of course it was, to the Polish, (but not to the Germans.) But, if Hitler wouldn't have been stopped - if he succeeded in conquering Europe, the invasion of Poland would be remembered now along the lines of "oh look how well our army did back in 1939" [think Persian Gulf War, weren't we proud of our low low cassualties and how efficiently our enemy was killed?] just something to consider...
  22. thanks for the great info. I'm going to get started, will post some pics when Im done. Can I ask where/how you found this info? I tried searching everywhere couldnt find nothing..
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