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Everything posted by BillZ260

  1. Thanks fella's, ordered the Pplate and Cdisk yesterday, should get it soon. I'll check out the link Phill, thanks! Check, No Howe products...
  2. Short and to the point responce from RAM... "We do not make the hydraulic bearing, but you can get one from Howe Enterprises that will work. For the clutch, use pressure plate 401, disc 309M. This will transfer over as long as the input splines match." I'll order the 401 plate and 309M Disc today. Will work on HTB Master / Slave this week. Need to crawl under the car and taka look at mounting options as well as Phil's sugestions. Thanks guy's we're moving forward! Slowly but surley.
  3. Thanks wheelman, I figured the .4 .5 was just a generic dim but it's good to make sure before getting something you don't need. I still have some looking before I decide slave vs. HTB. I have a fork mount on this housing, just not a slave mount, which could be fabbed, i guess. I sent an email to Ram tech support, I'll see what they recomenend and go from there.
  4. Is the Ram 10-1/2" Pressure plate going to be the one I need or does it have to specifically say 10.4"? Jeg's part number is that 10-1/2" unit 798-401, would this be the one I need? Can someone confirm this? http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10002&storeId=10001&categoryId=21487&parentCategoryId=10669&langId=-1 150 isn't too bad, another 150-ish for the clutch disk, pluss any plumbing and the HTB.
  5. 153 - Tooth. I'll look for the pieces and prices. MTC
  6. I know, it just seems I get some cash and move ahead some and the next step is going to cost me another paycheck you know? It's tough but I know it's going to be worth it....
  7. I'm with you 240ZR DHOC not DOHC That's so awesome!!! I really want!!! Ha ha ha haaa! Dual Head Over Cam Sorry to burst your bubble VashonZ
  8. Found this... http://www.5speedtransmissions.com/hydclutchpkg.html Nice but...EXPENSIVE! I can't freaking believe how much all these parts cost. It really makes me feel like cutting loose the t-5 and going auto!
  9. Tired of wondering what I'll be running with my set up so I thought I would post up what my combo will be putting down....(From DD2002) Looks like it will have plenty of low end torque for the street I still have to make a decision on pistons and compression. The KB's that came with it werer standard bore . I'll take any suggestions you all have into consideration as far as style and brand. Specs: 355 (.03 overbore) chevy Alum Edelbrock Performer Heads w/ 2.02/1.6 valves Edelbrock Performer 400 Cam .442 lift / 214 Deg Duration Pistons/Compression????? -- Here I used 9.0 Shorty Square port headers, 2.5" exhaust w/ Dynomax Curve:
  10. I'll get some numbers off the trans to see if it's an 83 or a later. It didn't come with a Slave cyl on it, and I didn't see where you could mount one as you mentioned. Makes sence now! I'll check the flywheel too. Is there an easy way to know how many teeth? (W/O counting )
  11. Grump, these are the one's I had seen on ebay. Dunno if they are the same ones but these are 1/4" plate. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/12X16-WHEEL-AUTO-CAR-DOLLY-DOLLIES-SKATE-6000-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43998QQitemZ4602459037QQrdZ1
  12. Pressure plate question was on size.. New thd... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=600658#post600658 Thanks for the follow up, now I'll stop waisting space on your thd
  13. I have a freshly rebuilt T-5, with bellhousing and flywheel out of a '83 F body. I've done the work needed to get it mounted and have an engine at the machine shop getting ready. It's going to be sitting behind a mild 350 (300hp) and will be 90% street driven. I have been reading up on what I'll need to get the clutch set up rolling once the engine is built and have able to figure out some, but not all that's needed. I know there's a couple ways to go on clutch enguagment, the HTB (Hydralic Throwout), or Slave / Fork set up. I'm trying to wiegh price, ease of set up and possibilty to transfer to a WC or other T-5 later on if this one doesn't hold up. Looks like the HTB set up is pricy but is cooler I have Mikelly's old exhaust and he stated that a fork should clear it just fine, but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything. The other thing I'm not sure about is which pressure plate I need to use. (which is needed fairly soon so I can get it ballanced with my rotating assy at the shop) I figured that I'd just go to Summitt and grab the one I needed but they have sevral sizes 11" and 10.5". So which is used for what? Is the 10.5 just lighter or? Just need some general info on this so I can decide on what to buy before dropping $180 on something I don't know anything about. From some recent posts I see that I'll probably need a new MC, wilwood .875" unit for like 70 bucks or so, and a hydralic line between the Master and Enguagment piece of my choice. Any insight would be helpful, I've read up some over the past week, if I've missed any obvious threads, show me the way Thanks!!!
  14. Heard that too Greame, hope it's just an exhaust leak, but it didn't sound like it
  15. I read and read last night on the pressure plate question to no avail. I am going to be anxious on this once the engine is through, which could be very soon! So I can go either way, slave or HTB w/ the exhause I have. I'll read some more and do google this weekend and do as I said above, start a new thd. thanks!
  16. I have the HF ones as well and they are worth the $80 althought they could be better! There is a guy on EBAY making some out of 1/4" plate with nice casters that looked really nice but your floor better be darn close to level if the casters are REALLY good
  17. What about the exhaust I bought from you? Still tight, or is it just tight with your new long tube header set up?
  18. $360 for the .030 over bore, Crank ground, Cleaning, freezeplug and cam bearings. Selling the set of Vortec's that need work and another crank I have which should cover a bit under half Will be another $110 or so for the ballance job and maybe get the flywheel re-ground for a bit more. (Looking for the right pressure plate?) Got to find some new Pistons, anyone need a set of NEW in box KB hypers @ standard bore? (Don't ask) Got a set of new standard rod/main bearins too...
  19. Thanks! I was hoping to hear that. BTW, the shield is not VHT Bright Blue That head is for sale if you want 882 Casting. Just got them last weekend not using them.
  20. CRAZY! So do you think it's worth it to go that way over the SLAVE / Fork type set up? I am super new to clutches. I also need to pick out a pressure plate, I am searching around. What's the difference between a 10.5" Unit and and 11" unit. Don't answer, I'll read up tonight and make a new post. I'm watching this one for the Pressure Plate movment though.
  21. Any other comments? I'd like to hear if you think that the first time I start this thing up and take it around the block that I'll end up in my kitchen because of the heat issue?
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