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DuffyMahoney last won the day on March 11

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    Sandpoint, ID

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  1. Gonna have to use the internet for that one then.
  2. I was told the subaru shims are identical, i bought from the local dealer.
  3. Well I decided to pick a new header. I wanted the header to give my room on port 5-6 for my lower mounted actuator and also get out of the way of the throttle bodies a little more. I decided on the Kameari drag 45mm. Which I purchased through Binh Nguyen. The header design gives me plenty of clearance for my actuator and throttles! Pretty darn happy with it overall. Prior I had a now moth balled Fujitsubo header. Which had a terrible runner design for a lower actuator.
  4. I was inspired by the FET as well! It gave almost the perfect injector angle. I am not a turbo guy, but very nicely done.
  5. Larry is a good guy and I consider him a friend. He is very talented, we talk a lot about intake design. The up and away aspect looks a lot like my design as well. Super cool stuff!
  6. Very cool! Looks almost identical to my flange thicknesses. What is the bar? Balance? Then it's also a rod holder? For some reason the picture is too small to zoom in on.
  7. Come you can take better pictures then that! That intake is known to have very poor linkage.
  8. Could be a poorly aligned throttle blade? Try to figure out which carb it is. Picture of your setup please
  9. It could be so many things Does your linkage bind? Heat Shield? Return springs on the shaft and each carb? You should have both. I make and sell a return spring. https://www.m2racing.com/shop/p/lounge-tunic-/-cream-4l2xd Does it only do it when hot? One way to find out which carb it is. Take the dog bones off, blip each, see which one stays higher idle
  10. 240z hidden drive by wire actuator for my ITB setup. This is design number 4. This plan utilizes a Efi hardware actuator. The goal is the same length arm to the bell crank and distances from shafts and the rod. So the rod passes through the firewall evenly and doesn’t walk from left to right. This will mount to the pedal plate and the steering box mounts. So behind the firewall Prior designs walked too much in the hole and I don’t want that.
  11. I make and sell knock sensor studs, that need no drilling, if you ever do this again:)
  12. I love it when a plan comes together. This is custom titanium banjos, which will come off my balance bar and hold my heat shield on!
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