m/t center console - Have one but it has some random holes cut/drilled for random switches and lights. Can get pictures, what are you looking to spend. Don't really need to be getting rid of it but don't mind helping out.
heater controls panel - nada, if I had it I would need it =P
hatch glass with working horizontal defroster vanes - May be able to find you one, let me contact a local guy, shipping may be funky as its a large part. I know he has it, don't know if they work, how could I test this during summer?
all interior quarter panel trim, need crack free, color doesn't matter, I'm making a cf version of each and need a master set - Will 280z parts work? I have 2 sets, don't know if they are the same look the same or anything. I can test fit them on the 240z I have if you would like. I have ones from a 76 280z and a 77 280z.
entire rear deck metal piece - Rear deck metal piece? Not sure what you are referencing.