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Everything posted by Stealth-Z

  1. Reminds me of a saying my friend has about the ultimate value of any car.
  2. To bad for me you are on the East Coast. I would seriously consider purchasing for up to $2.000.00. My first Z was a 1973 Fairlady Z. I shipped it from Okinawa back in 1987. It might be fun to build another one. Especially since I have a G-Nose, ZG flares and rear spoiler sitting in a spare room.
  3. FYI, the Pick-n-Pull on Stockton Blvd. There is a 260Z with Tokico struts and springs. The strut inserts are the adjustable type. It has skinny custom made bumpers on the front and back. The engine has an e31 head with 4 screw SU carbs. The major problem is the 6 inches of water around it. They do have it up on their customery wheel stands. This was as of 3:00PM today.
  4. Put it on ebay and see what happens. Here is one going on now. This one is in bad shape. It is up to $1,000.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=020&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=300191292484&rd=1
  5. Nice looking Z from the photos. Was the original color black? If it was you got a real good deal. http://zhome.com/History/BlackP.htm
  6. The South Sacramento and Rancho Cordova PnP's are dry of S30's at the moment. There are plenty of S130's and Z31's though.
  7. The Sacramento area coordinator would be me. Tonight is our first meeting of the year. I will ask around. Plus I will do a drive about in that area for a look see.
  8. $650.00 for a Skyline automatic is a bit much. Someone is trying to make a quick buck. I have an automatic from a RB25 sitting on the side of the house. It has been there for a few years. My thought was to do the opposite of your idea. I was going to swap the bell housing and install it my 1990 300ZX.
  9. Here is a breakdown of what I paid in 2004. The exchange rate was more in my favor at the time. Series II non-turbo short block off ebay (block, crank, rods, pistons, rear seal, and beat up oil pump) $305.00AU Shipping and handling from Australia $304.00AU Total $609.00AU or $439.20 US Dollars The block was picked up from the sellers door and loaded into a container consigned by Brennan International Brennan International Shipping Company charges into Port of San Diego Documentation $50.00 Terminal Handling Charge $45.00 Chassis Fee (No idea what that was) $2.00 Port Security Fee $25.00 Customs Exam $19.55 Total to Brennan $141.55 St. George Warehouse of Oakland Forklift $35.00 Customs Entry Fee $50.00 Documentation Fees $5.00 Handling In/Out-General $35.00 Total to St. George $125.00 Now on top of all the above, I drove from Sacramento to Oaklnd to pick it up. That was a 200 mile round trip. So figure about $25.00 for gas. The St. George customs entry fee was for filling out a single piece of paper that needed U.S. Customs clearance signatures. I had to drive a few miles to the customs office to get it signed. No big deal. As you can see, it ended up costing me around $730.75. All the above should give a good idea of what is involved. Shipping heavy items can be troublesome. RB30 motors may be cheap and plentiful in Australia but remember someone has to go through a lot of time and effort to ship it. The same holds true when shipping from Japan. I can see additional charges for a translation service already. Hope this helps answer some questions.
  10. At todays exchange rate 1 USD = 1.13728 Australian Dollars (AUD) http://www.xe.com/ucc/ $50USD = $56.86AUD The U.S. Dollar is not doing so well these days.
  11. I have seen them on ebay Australia with Buy it Now options for $50.00. While there is no Buy it Now option on these, here is what a quick search revealed. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NISSAN-RB30-GQ-PATROL-ENGINE_W0QQitemZ170183419677QQihZ007QQcategoryZ149116QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com.au/RB30-ENGINE_W0QQitemZ120208300326QQihZ002QQcategoryZ32063QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. http://www.geocities.com/rb30_twincam/
  13. Until I get mine up and running I cannot comment on the Wiseco pistons. Plus there are so many different varialbles in every engine build. As they sit now, I will be shaving off part of the dome to lower the CR. Here is the thread to the first set of pistons received from Wiseco. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=119593&highlight=wiseco After a few months of AKWIKZ and myself calling Wiseco about the specs of the above pistons, they replaced them with these. The dome on these is 16cc's. With all my measurements it would give me a CR of around 9.6:1. My goal is about 8.5 to 8.7. One must face the reality of California fuel.
  14. Sorry to hear that. I noticed he left bad feedback for you as well. Welcome to the ebay burn club. As always ebay is a portal for buyers and sellers. Some sellers have morals others do not. A few days ago I received a full refund for a door panel listed as fitting a 74-75 280Z. The panel was actually for a 77-78. I was not expecting a refund like that! A few years ago I won a bid on a camshaft in Australia. After winning the auction, I paypal'd the funds. About 2 hours later ebay sent a message saying the users account was suspended and I should not pay for the items. Ahh, a little to late there. Never did get the cam or the $$$ back.
  15. Actually it was AKWIKZ who had the Spool Rods first. We ordered the Wiseco's at the same time. Long drawn out story on those. Spool Rods have worked well in Australia. I am not sure who makes the rods for Spool or what quality control procedures are in effect. Quality control is the key to dealing with factories in China. Any one can buy custom 4340 rods. Minimun order is 40 pieces. It is up to you to determine your quality control procedures. http://www.alibaba.com/catalog/11469163/Forged_4340_H_beam_Connecting_Rods_H_profile_Con_Rod_.html
  16. In my years of research, appearantly very few even bother installing the oil squirters. Those that do say it was a PITA. Something about the oil gallies not lining up the way one might think is what I remember them saying.
  17. The RB30's do have main girdles. Notice they do not have oil squirters.
  18. Here is a bit of U.S.A. shipping information about crates. When I shipped a pallet from Hong Kong, the agent specifically mentioned not to use wood. If it is made out of wood then it must be fumigated / treated or what ever. The agent said to avoid hassles with U.S. Port Authorities and additional expense, use a plastic materials. After looking at my paperwork on the RB30 block from Australia, I noticed a fee for fumigating the pallet. Now it makes sense why the agent in Hong Kong mentioned using plastic. My block arrived at the Port of Oakland California strapped to a small wood pallet wrapped in plastic.
  19. Here is a thread on NicoClub with a photo of the stock pump vs. the N1 pump. http://forums.nicoclub.com/zerothread/301723 Photo credit goes to Garage-c.com
  20. The center piece sits flush end to end on the hatch. There is no over hang at the base. Here is a photo of what I have.
  21. 43 inches is the width of the hatch piece.
  22. The 3 Piece for a 2+2 I have measures 43 inches outer edge to outer edge. End pieces measure 6 inches.
  23. I have noticed there is some "Half" Year differneces with the State side 76 280Z's. Personally I have cut up two of them. The early model had Door panels simular to the 75 280Z with the lock mechanisms further back on the door. Also it did not have the space saver spare tire well. The later model 76 had doors like the 77-78's and also had the space saver tire well. ArnZ photo of the door latch on the red Z looks just like the latch mechanism of one I just removed from a 75 in a junk yard.
  24. I agree. Years ago I bought a roll for my 73 Z. The measuring, cutting, and fitting was a PITA. Plus you still have the cut end that needs to be seamed up to have that nice finished look. This is what the MSA carpet kit looks like installed. Notice the edges are all sewn. The rear and front mats have an extra layer of insulation. The drivers side floor piece even has the rubber mat sewn in.
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