Gabriel said: "We probably won't be making this for the 280ZX, because there is like....only 6 guys in the known universe modding the 280ZX.
----->Serving small groups of enthusiastic owners is our speciality."
Gabriel, now you've done it. Obviously we don't need to do a roll-call on 280ZX owners who are modding them, but your statement is so NOT true. There are ALOT of us, not only, but especially, on here who are modding 280ZX's.
(Can of worms officially opened, and not by me this time).
Oh, and I "CAN" speak up, as a customer of yours...
BTW, the top roller bearings you sell are NOT required for use on the ZX if you use the stock bearings and are not using coilovers. I now have a set that I can't use and can't return (had 'em too long). Maybe I'll just shelve them in case I ever do coilovers up front.
On a side note> If more aftermarket parts were available for the 280ZX, I'm sure alot more of them would be on the road instead of jack stands. There are actually quite a few of them sitting in garages, at a standstill, because of problems locating parts for desired mods that work on the S30 but not the S130, yet the 280ZX gets the shaft because they're being scavenged for their powertrains. Almost like we can't win for losing. (no flaming requested).