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Everything posted by slown280z

  1. I can't remember the exact posts, and don't feel like looking for it since I'm sick, and maybe I'm just crazy and this doesn't apply to RWD SR20DETs, but check out these threads: http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-sr20/9334-finding-way-get-rid-oily-blow-gases.html http://www.sr20-forum.com/turbo/9914-confused-oil-separator-system.html http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-maintenance/9611-how-reroute-oily-blow-gases-clean-up-intake-manifold.html Hope that helps. I'm running blowthrough on my FWD SR20DET and have problems with a little blowby.
  2. 5 seconds of WOT and you'd be at the moon!
  3. Is the ECU interface Consult I (gray connector)? If so, have you tried other software with your adapter? ECUtalk comes to mind...
  4. SR20DETs are notorious for blowby depending on how you evacuate crank pressure. How do you have the valve cover breathers ran and the PCV? Blowthrough MAF or drawthrough? Or standalone?
  5. The search engine must be broken... You can't use a switch type TPS if you want to use TPS based enrichments. You need the potentiometer type. I like MAPdot, and don't have a TPS used except for flood clear mode. You can get away with not having it installed.
  6. Car looks sweet! What I would do is fill in the rear of the widebody and extend the taillights to fill the void. Then make a new valance panel, that way the rear would look like a wider version of the stock cars.
  7. Yea... just asking for a ticket if street driven. I've heard an L24 with straight pipes and in sounded like ♥♥♥♥.
  8. I'm not 100% versed on how to do it, but I believe you just use the electronic sender and put the input into one of the open A/D converters then calibrate it with the setup files. It seems like all the barebones are there (like a speedo as well), but are rarely being used by the public due to complexity.
  9. Just find a screwdriver that will snugly fit down the timing cover. Make sure it's long enough to pull out (blade facing up). If you don't have a wide enough one, wrap it in electrical tape. Or go buy the right tool. Or read the FSM, it has the dimensions in it. (if not the FSM then the Haynes manual has it)
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