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Everything posted by EvilRufusKay

  1. You know you own a hybrid when your wife says "you were too tired to mow the lawn today but your not too tired to go work on your car?"...and no matter how mad she gets....you still go
  2. To be specific the line is: I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam"
  3. I have no relavant technical info to share....I just wanted to say... YOUR RENDERINGS ROCK!!!! May I ask, are they done in solidworks? Rufus
  4. Yes I did..no dice. Many of us chimed in on it. Dan Juday had some very useful comments that I thought the guy doing the chop top would be interested in. The post was initiated around 2 or 3 months ago... Thanks for the help...
  5. I started a thread entitled " Cutting Tempered Glass." I can not find it. I have searched and searched, even going through a bunch of my old posts. I wanted to link it to the chopped 240 thread that is currently up. Any help? Thanks! Rufus
  6. Wow they look great! Would your buddy do a set on the side? Not for free of course... I would gladly pay him for his time. I don't live too far away!! Rufus
  7. ok ok so maybe they don't fit perfectly. Both of you guys are right, the hub center is about 1/4" in diameter too small. Guess I should look a little closer next time... I was considering using a spacer or simply routing the hub center out with my grinder. The spacers will be less work I think however. Thanks for the help guys, I will let you know how it turns out. Rufus
  8. I put both my front hubs and rear stubs into this wheel and they went in perfectly...?
  9. Awesome work man. The line is super sleek!! I too am interested in your "have glass made" quote. Do you mean lexan? Looks great in any case!!! Rufus
  10. I found some. 25 bucks w/ tires!!! 16 x 7 Supra.
  11. EvilRufusKay


    From the album: Evil

  12. EvilRufusKay


    From the album: Evil

  13. I said the wait would be worth it! Having twins is very cool. Always a buddy to hand with!! Congrats my friend!! Rufus (proud father of twin boys)
  14. bad idea. The shifter just attaches to linkage and does not go into the tranny. Go to the auto parts store and buy a hand pump. It will come with various size tops that will screw onto the gear oil bottle. The warmer the oil is the easier it will be to pump.
  15. Forrest, Tried to hit your link for the ZT Black Pearl but I was asked for a user name and password. Got booted out. Thought I would let you know. Rufus
  16. The lenses are molded into the housing. No can do unless you cut apart the housing.
  17. I didn't see anything there. How many more perople would you need for the 10%. I am interested.
  18. Sometimes things are so obvious they elude me..... ...thanks mike
  19. Topless - The way you describe would put the stop light on the outside with the reverse on the outside. I can switch the housings but the only difference would be that the radius would be on the bottom... Frank - The honesty is appreciated. They are not exactly what I wanted but very close so I went with it. I may mod them a bit so we will see if we can win you over later!! Terry - As always...Thanks!! Corzette - The lights were about 85 bucks new. Mario - I agree the reverse lights will blind people. I am considering doing something like tinting the outside edge. See below. Anyone know how I can achieve this without ruining the lens?
  20. EvilRufusKay


    From the album: Evil

  21. Beautiful!! I love the color!! What was in it before? How long have you been working on the motor? The rollbar is custom I take it? Rufus
  22. Thanks Guys! Georgia - The panel need to be trimmed a bit more so the lights go in all the way. They are sitting back or into the car about a 1/2" further than they will when it is done. Then I will just glass up to them leeaving the somewhat frenched portion molded into the lens housing. I will be painting over the fake carbon fiber though. Xander - That is a good point. After I put these on I decided that I didn't like them much. They will change before too long. Thanks for the insight. DatsunLover - That would be awesome man!!! I hope to drive by fall...we will see..it will be close. It would be for sure if you had an extra LS1/T56 drivetrain laying around that you wanted to donate to the project!!!
  23. I think I found a set. My buddy has an old set of Supras. 16" and aluminum. He would have given them to me free but I told him I would give him 25 bucks for them. I think I have some old tires that will fit. I will post some pics next week whenI pick them up.
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