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Everything posted by EvilRufusKay

  1. Mine has been mounted to those same bolt holes for over a year with no problems. No flexing what so ever.
  2. yeh $700 but it comes with CV axels that are in awesome shape. That is the price i paid over a year ago. I need the money, however I have sold things for too little in the past because i needed money and have always regretted it. So I figure I will only sell it if i get what I paid / want for it. EDIT: well thanks for the support. After a trip to the garage i have decided not to sell anything from the project. I have come to far. Besides... I wouldn't want to disappoint Tyson (thanks for the compliments). I will be starting some more work on the bonnett next week and will post some pics.... Rufus
  3. Your good man. I have seen you around Matt...I know I know...I could never get anywhere near what I have put into it anyway.... Mike...The positronic thrust adjusters and pneumatic hypercoils are all brand new..I even tuned the plasma generator...Mine has aaaall the good parts!!!
  4. Hows everybody doin? Haven't been around for a bit but wanted to say hello. Tried to sell my LSD in the classifieds here but got nothing but grief from the people who contacted me so I rasied the price!! http://classifieds.hybridz.org/showproduct.php?product=1469&sort=1&cat=20&page=1 Been working on my bike as I can't afford the final pieces for the car at the moment...coil overs, wheels, tires, engine...lets not even talk about painting it!!Man it sux!!! Tempted to sell the whole thing.... Rufus
  5. I searched and did not find this... http://www.wiseass.org/bullshit.html Hope it does not violate the new rule posted by John. If it does I apologise and please delete. Personally I think it would be good to use around the hose to deflect the old lady's BS!! Rufus
  6. Confused, Please descibe to me what is meant by the picture in your sig block.
  7. I use one as well at work. Great tools as long as you have the right kind (i.e., the correct focal length and laser shape).
  8. Congrats man. Happy for you!! Be sure to get a bunch of drive time in before your trip. Thats a long way to go on a new set-up. Rufus Oh yeh...HOW ABOUT SOME PICS!?!
  9. I tried to buy a small rollbar off ebay...turned out to be him...didn't win it though...
  10. Thanks Tyson. Quite a compliment!! Rufus
  11. Last Link On The Bottom
  12. Very cool!! I looked and looked and could not find a set for sale. Did you buy them new? They look sweet!!
  13. Wow!! With age comes wisdom!! For some reason that did not even cross my mind. Thank you!
  14. Wow! Those are just what I need. I would realy like something with a hook though so I could mount them on the side where the edge of my bonnet meets the cheek panel.
  15. Good advice. I will check. the linkage was tight after sitting for 5 months. But I lubed her up and it was fine for 2 months. It doesn't really bother me, but the wife is crying about it. Oh yeh...130,000 on the little bugger!!
  16. If a manual 5 speed trans has trouble going into first and third is it normally a syncro gear issue? My wife's jetta is exhibiting this (shortly after I did the timing belt... I know they are not related ...its just my luck...) I have little to zero expierience working on a trans except for swapping convertors or entire units. It pops into gear if I keep pressure on the stick and let up on the clutch...seems strange but I also seem to remember someone talking about it previously...(currently searching...) Thanks guys...
  17. WOW!! John has 2 sets!! That explains alot!!! BTW...are they contained within the same bag, or are they completely seperate?
  18. cool! What kind of motor is that? It's frickin huge!
  19. shhh.... its for Tim when he gets home...
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