I have the caliper. Rebuilt to factory specs. $50.00 plus shipping. Or, if you are in the Orlando area stop by and pick it up.
Skip Pringle
I just quit driving my 81 because of serious rust issues. The brake booster and master cylinder are still on the car if you still need them. I'm in Orlando. $75 for both.
Hey Veelo,
I'm in Orlando. I've got the stuff. I just quit driving my 81 so it's being parted. $100.00 for the gas tank. $100.00 for the hatch glass. I'd be willing to meet up half way.
Skip Pringle
I own a fabrication shop. E mail me with a description of what you want and we can go from there. Sectioning is usually done with a specific goal in mind and with specific dimensions.
I have a good working unit from a 81 that I just quit driving because of rust problems. A very large piece of the floor pan under the drivers seat fell out. I'm going to part out the whole car. Price for both master cyl. and booster: $100.00 plus shipping.
My son's Altima was doing the same thing. I put the scanner on it and it told me the cam position sensor was bad. One new CPS and all's well. First thing, get the ECU scanned.
If my memory is OK I think I remember that Smokey Yunick developed the crossram for GM. I have a friend that owns an original Smokeyram. It's a nice piece.
MR. AUTOMOTIVE at the corner of 441 and Rose Ave. In the Lockhart area. I have no personal experience with them but I do see a lot of nice paint jobs around the shop. Might be worth talking to them.
Most standard transmission cars have the R200. Most automatic transmission cars have the R180. Now having said that, these cars are 30 years old and anything can be and has been changed.