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Everything posted by skipzoomie

  1. No numbers. R200 has axle flanges that slip into the sides of the diff. with no bolt on seal retainers. The R180 has a 5 bolt seal retainer on the sides of the diff.
  2. If I could only get this thing in my Z. http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccsshb/12cyl/
  3. Yes, in the holes with the springs. It's tricky but can be done. PATIENCE
  4. NO OSPHO!!!!!!!!! The supplier you purchased the POR-15 from should have given you a sheet of directions. And yes, the OSPHO is a rust converter.
  5. Call the guys at Holley. They're a bunch of nice folks and will help you through any problems.
  6. Yes....... The pedal does come out easy. The Auto brake pedal will fit where the standard pedal was. They're not as rare as you would think.
  7. There must be at least a bizzilion mid 80's Chevy trucks out there. You should be able to pick one up, in real good shape, for less than two thou. They're still fairly simple to work on and all of the parts are readily available.
  8. Grumpy....Check out your local school surplus warehouse. I've picked up some pretty good stuff at the one here in Orange County.
  9. My 78 is an original unmolested beauty. That kind of sets it apart as most Z's have been modified.
  10. Well............. I compared the Dexter hub with the 280Z hub. Not even close. The next time I go to the supply house I'll check their inventory. Mike, Let us know what you find with your hub.
  11. The hubs I use are Dexter. 4 1/2 inch blot circle. 5 lug. They're as beefy as any car hub that i've seen. I have a spare hub in the shop. If I have some time today I'll try it on a Z spindle.
  12. When I am REALLY stuck with a problem I go to the dealership and walk in the back door of the garage and ask one of the mechs. They're always willing to help.
  13. Very interesting. I take care of landscaping equipment for a local company. The trailers are heavy and usually carry four to five thousand pounds of equipment. Other than an occasional bearing failure there has been no hub failures. And these trailers get abused beyond imagination. I'm constantly replacing shredded tires and bent rims. But no hubs. I don't know for sure but I would imagine that trailer hubs must meet some D O T standards.
  14. Anti-squealing device. Not safety or performance related.
  15. BobZTwins....Mine does have a large plug in the forward end.
  16. I have one of that configuration. Measured from the bottom of the down tube to the top of the manifold it is 7 1/2 inches.
  17. Mine does the same thing. I wish someone would come up with a definite answer. I've done several 700R4's (4L60) and never had this problem with any of them. I've asked a lot of people this question and have yet to get the fix. Probably something really simple that I've overlooked.
  18. I have several old Chevy manifolds hanging from the rafters in my shop. I'll check and PM you. I'm in Orlando. Might help with shipping.
  19. My point, exactly. Two posts of abuse and breakage. I didn't imply that the 3n71b isn't a good trans. For a daily driver they are as good as any. The swap to the overdrive trans( 4n71b) is very labor intensive but can be done and the end result is very satisfying. That is the swap I did for my Honey.
  20. OK, these are my thoughts on your efforts. First you need a distributor from a ZX with the E12-80 module. Or an aftermarket electronic dist. Or a conversion unit for your points type dist. Points are a dinosaur. Get rid of them. All duel points do is increase dwell time. They don't have anything to do with the tach.
  21. Some non turbo shafts are u-joint type. These will not interchange with CV type shafts without also changing the companion flanges. All ZX axles are 25 spline and companion flanges will interchange. I don't know if the 240 axles are the same 25 spilne as the ZX's.
  22. Well, It's not really fair to say "nobody" wants an automatic. I changed a five speed to an automatic for my Honey. She didn't want to shift gears a hundred times on every comute to and from work. It's all about "Keeping her happy". Now I get to build my Z any way I want. And don't sell the 3n71b transmission short. NO, it's not good for racing but it works just fine for a daily driver.
  23. I clean my blocks with Easy-Off oven cleaner. Here in Florida the blocks will rust right before your eyes. So, I paint the outside immediately and wipe down the insides with oil and then assemble. No problems so far and I've been doing this for a looooooooong time.
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