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Everything posted by Synlubes

  1. Yes, The rear 280 shock caps are bigger / taller than 240 / 260. Just replace them with the early shock caps and you can drop the rear a inch (maybe a tad more) with no suspension changes.
  2. I have experienced the hood raising at speed. BUT, as soon has I saw the hood pop up I started to brake pretty heavy. So I don`t how much that action came into play with things. IMO, I would say have some from back up for the hood release or go with 1 center or 2 outer hood pins. Then you could remove the mount for the hood latch and clean up the engine bay.
  3. You can get the speedo gears to correct your reading from your local Nissan dealer. Have it cked, buy & replace gear, KEEP ALL RECEIPTS and show the Judge. It might work.
  4. Rule # 1 Check it and then Check it again !
  5. I helped put one in a older Mazda truck. Had to cut a new/bigger trans tunnel. It had NO heat/a/c after the tunnel was cut and finished. Go for it !
  6. Day`s like this are what makes it ALL worth while ! That meat back there looks great. Good for you ! Have you gotten your visa bill yet ? Sorry, I had to do it.
  7. Here`s a swap Pete Paraska did with some Toyoya Tercel mirrors. Maybe it will help you out. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/pparaska/TercelMirrorMounting.htm
  8. So which product do you recommend ? Nice shine, I haven`t had a car with that much shine since . . . . .Well, never !
  9. Yea, I wasn`t serious about getting a body like this for a Z, it`s just a very nice looking atuo. A guy can dream, can`t he. . . . .
  10. You might what to remove the radiator.(if you haven`t already) I`t will give you alot more working room + it would suck to bust a whole in it. It comes out easy enough.
  11. At least with Amoco premium (white gas) you can tell. I have a 720 Nissan truck with a weber carb, if I run anything but Amoco premium I get spark knox. That`s the only way I know if I`m getting what I pay for. Buy the way $1.65 for Amoco premium here.
  12. j260z, Ck the spec sheet at the link I posted above. Much lower and higher operating temp ranges.
  13. 75W-90 Synthetic ! I use this in a car, tranys and diff (welded solid). Any season, any conditions (road / track). AMSOIL, of course http://www.amsoil.com/products/tgr.html
  14. How do you know that you get what you pay for when you use other than regular ? ? ?
  15. Georgia Flash, When I replyed I saw that your car is a 75. I sould of asked what engine you have. If it`s NOT the L28 (fuel injected) then like Mudge said, "does it mater". If you are using the stock fuel tank, you might need some of the preformed (vent hoses) from Nissan. Keep in mind (if it`s NOT FI), you don`t need all those vent hoses. All you really need is 1 good size vent hose(from the top of the tank), a feed & return and block the rest off (again, if it`s NOT FI).
  16. I looked in the VB catalog and did not see any either. Dealer items for those pre formed hoses and some high pressure fuel injection hose for the smaller lines.
  17. As if you don`t have enough energy anyway.
  18. Coil Overs and the widest rim you can get under the fenders! Don`t waste your money on anything less.
  19. Jake, IF your control arms are not bent, you can get ajustable rear control arm bushing from MSA or VB. These will give you a fair amount of ajustability to bring things back into spec. They don`t last a whole long time, but until some ajustable rear control arms are avalible it`s a good fix. If you`ve got the cash, find a good body shop in your area with a frame machine(and someone who knows how to use it)and have the frame cked / straightened.
  20. Try a new Nissan seal. If you are putting sealer on the seal, make sure it`s fuel resistant.
  21. Do a load test on the battery(even if it`s new), it should hold at least 10.5 volts for 15 seconds. Ck or Replace both of your battery cables with HIGH QUAITY cables. If you can get a jump(direct to the battery)and the car fires up, at least it`s a good place to start. Ck The Simple Stuff First !
  22. Mudge Go ahead and get a true racing seat. I`t mounts lower and sits lower. I know, I know... they aren`t the best for a daily driver, but the benies on the track are worth it.
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