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Everything posted by v8dats

  1. toot away man! i would be proud to bang away thru the gears on my datsuns! oh yeah non of mine run!even if mine just idled i would make a vid.
  2. wow i like it! kinda alfa-ish. what are the plans? keeping it that way?
  3. let me know when u find out something on the hybridz patches! thanks again
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! thanks again for taking care of this ordeal
  5. looks good. i like the black and white combo.
  6. thanks guys i'll pull the cap and take a look in there. i know that the distributor is looking kinda sad and dirty inside . i just got another one and am waitng for it to get here. its brand new. i changed the fuel filter this morning and it is still acting up. thanks again.
  7. sorry guys its not a z but its an sbc with an H.E.I distributor? couple of days ago i drove the car from st pete to orlando about 2 hours. the car ran great. before the voyage i put on a new cap,rotor,wires the plugs were pretty new. i drove the car to work today and it ran just fine. aftert work i let the car idle for about 10 minutes while it warmed up and while i was on the phone. when i drive thru the parking lot it was fine. when i pulled out on to the street it started to missfire at mid rpm.an hour after work i test drove it again and it was still at it. so i went to the parts store and got new plugs and a fuel additive(just incase, car sat for a few months) i pulled the plugs and they were a little lean. but not too bad.i replaced them anyways. i took the car for a drive and it was great! it pulled all the way thru the rpms with no problems. i pulled a u turn to head back home and it starts to act up again.i checked to see if my plug wires came loose but they werent. the distributor is not looseand it has me stumped. the only thing that i can GUESS is that maybe the ignition module is starting to heat up and act up. is there anything else that i should look for? anybody else experience something like this with an H.E.I?
  8. why not do a 5 lug conversion? you can use the z31 front hubs and redrill the rears. a quick search should do it.
  9. no worries. congrats on getting it fired up. sounds like you're moving along nicely. keep us posted.
  10. swet deal man thanks!
  11. why bash? he clearly posted that the reason he was looking for a set of black rims was to match his fleet. nice cars btw
  12. it looks like they were giving the kid his x-mas present. all he wanted was a lil brother! i know its just wrong tho!
  13. hehe i agree! boy that setup would look sweet in a z if the headers were a lil narrower. cool hybrid tho!!
  14. if you are looking to conver yours look into the holley stealth ram. it comes with just about everything you need and it flows well. i did a quick search and found this post by grumpyvette http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=67411&highlight=stealth+ram check out dmanzo57's gallery (hope he doesnt mind). from what i have read on his previous posts he has had some success with the conversion and seems pretty happy with it.and if you check out the pics you will see that it fits under the stock hood(tight fit). hopefully he will chime in. http://album.hybridz.org/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=7898 also check out the stealth ram website. it has alot of pics of stealth ram equipt cars and share some info on them. http://www.stealthram.com
  15. back truck to trailer hook it to hitch drive off... sorry to hear about your loss
  16. that car never gets old! thanks
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