Does anyone know how much the 1970 240Z chassis itself weighs completely stripped from suspension, engine, doors, hatch, windows, bumpers, fenders etc?
Is it light enough for 4 persons to carry around? I am hoping to get the chassis on jackstands on the outside of my fathers garage(There isn't room for it inside because he has two cars there that he is working on). To do this, we have to carry it over a cement "edge/wall" (So it can't be pushed or pulled with the wheels on.
If you look at this picture(of my previous Z), you can see the "edge"(Not sure what the correct english word is) on the left side:
We have tought about making a ramp and pushing it up there, but it would be easier to carry it up there if it is light enough for me, my father and my two older brothers to carry. (My mom and my girlfriend can of course probably help too)