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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Can't afford it, really, too many recent expenditures... Owen
  2. Sweet! I want! But a little smaller would be nice. Owen
  3. Owen

    text test

    When I have time to take pix, they'll be on the next episode of Pimp Your Z! Owen
  4. Hey Huy, Thanks! I wanted to avoid blasting but I guess it would be easier than scrubbing with ultra strong chemicals. I don't know about the etching solution on the aluminum wheels though. A good clear is definitely in order after everything is done, I've also heard of using PAM or some sort of oily susbstance to prevent brake dust from embedding itself into the wheel again. I think I'll try the Flitz paste and orange ball as I need to do part of the face of the wheels as well. Owen
  5. Owen

    text test

    Hmm, I was hoping for a Japanese REPLY..oh well. Yes, went to Irvine and came back with some Momo wheels. Owen
  6. Owen

    text test

    Yes, I'm temporary using Owen-san's id for test purpose. BTW, your Animation GIF is sooo cool.
  7. Owen

    text test

    I think, I can not use Japanese somehow. kato@s30z
  8. Owen

    text test

  9. Owen

    text test

    since the test area doesnt have any room for the message body... 日本語テスト、読めますか? だれか返事を書き込んでください。
  10. Thanks for the link. I'm selling cuz I want to do something different, there's no where to drive here in So.Cal so all my fun involves building/making/etc. Interested??? Owen
  11. Thanks, I know about Flitz, do you think it will work on rusted wheels. Oh, by the way, I'm talking about the inside of the wheels. Owen
  12. I mean major cleaning, rust/oxidation etc. I have these wheels I bought used and am finally getting around again to "thinking about cleaning up the insides"? Also, what's a good clearcoat for wheels? Owen
  13. As Tim said, it's a scan from the Wangan Midnight Comic series. The actual car exists but the artist must have changed things a little to make it easier to draw. Owen
  14. I have the aluminum 16gal foam filled cell and used to hear the pump starving under braking hard. A fuel surge tank fixed all that, check out Tim240Z's post (last year?) on his design, mine is square. Here's a slightly more expensive DIY job. http://toyotaperformance.com/surge_tank.htm I used weld-in threaded fittings from McMasterCarr Owen
  15. Cool! I'm missing the part about where it's on-car adjustable, it looks like you have to unbolt one end? Either way, they look sweet! Owen
  16. Oh nothing... Just an RB25DET. Wait that was someone else??? PS. There was one in this week's recycler for like $1100 Currently, everything is on hold, looking for a cheap Z32 daily driver. Owen
  17. I kinda agree with Auxilary, but then, I just skip over those posts so... But it would be cool to put a HZ sticker someplace on the car. I thought to get in any mag these days you have to have dvds, and screens, and body kits, and ducts and vents all over the damn place plus a big *** wing! Billl, you can use the text from my sig if you want Owen
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&?ViewItem&item=5556568169
  19. Do a search on Chevelle springs, one of our Canadian members has them I think. ZR8ED was it? Owen
  20. I'm using a FAST system and what I learned from various people is that you need to give it what the engine wants. So if you're still pinging, you can cover it with the a/f mixture, or look into other options (different hardware, etc.) I'm at like 15:1 at part throttle cruising. Owen
  21. Damn nice! I like the two-tone color scheme too! Owen
  22. I did the install a while back...just wondering, can a turn sig flasher can be used to intermittently send a signal to the wipers? I mean, it's just voltage going to either a light or a motor right? Will probably need a relay tho. Owen
  23. Cover shot and centerfold right??? Congrats! Owen
  24. It couldn't hurt to have one on a street car though. Nothing wrong with maintaining an engine and these pre-lubers do just that. I have the Accusump, what I like about it is that it's not just a pre-luber, it can dump more oil into the system if you ever lose pressure while driving. Post lubing wouldn't work as it's a pressurized canister, there would be no pressure left for the next start-up. Don't know about the other system. Owen
  25. I'm in, should have some hi-res pix in a month or so. Owen
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