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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Owen

    r200 rebuild

    I think there's one in the latest import mag, one of 'em. There was an article on installing a Kaaz LSD into a 240SX. I don't think it was the VLSD. Owen
  2. Chop the lip off that front air dam and it might not look too bad in the front Owen
  3. How about glassing over the seam before painting? If one or the other does get tweaked, the paint and glass are gone anyway. But at least you can separate them if necessary. I take off the fender with the bucket attached to it too. It's less work. Owen
  4. The first time around with my 5" Autometers, I used the dash mount bracket for the tach, flipped it 180-deg and had a C-shaped bracket attached to that and the stock mount on the dash. For the speedo...tack welded a bracket to the inside of the dash, on that metal strip. But now the dash is in but the gauges had to come out. Gonna try the foam weather stripping stuff. Thanks guys! Owen
  5. Owen

    Fuel Cell

    Do a search for the actual people's names but some have done it and some, like me, say the angle's too shallow to flow fuel into the tank... Owen
  6. 1995 Honda Civic seats suck, comfort wise...my wife's car is a 95 and those things make my butt hurt like crazy after a while! I would get some 2nd gen. CRX seats or some Del Sol seats. The Del Sol seats are curvy and buckety Owen
  7. OOOh, the last page shows Work Meisters! That was my first choice but at $800 per wheel new, I couldn't justify it. Oh, did I mention that the prices I listed above were for a set of 4 including tires? Those Longchamps look mighty good too! Hey Jerry, Thanks for the info. "Your +27 offset equals 1 1/16 inch or 1.06 inches to get 0 offset Your +35 offset equals 1 3/8 inch or 1.38 inches to get 0 offset" When you say xxx inches to get zero offset, is that the size spacer I need? Thanks, Owen
  8. bang847, My hoster seems to be having problems, can't even FTP files to my own account! Owen
  9. Phil, this was done with the stock tank? I agree that it's pretty difficult to do the relocation with a fuel cell sitting up high, the gas tube just doesn't slope enough to let the gas flow in. I had the crazy idea of cutting out one of the stock emblem areas behind the quarter window and using that as a filling location. Too much work for me now... Owen
  10. "man you could smuggle a whole lot of yay yo in them thangs man." You got me laughing like a lunatic, man!! Owen
  11. I like the small lights! Terry, could you also email me the process you did to make that front end? I am starting to buy fiberglass books etc, but would like to hear some first hand experience. Am also planning lights like that but a little different, as a bolt on bucket to the stock front end. It's only in the "dreaming" phase though! Owen
  12. Yeah, I have 9 inchers right now and don't really want to go smaller. Owen
  13. Thanks for the info! I'd like a schematic if possible. Owen
  14. Sounds like Ross knows what he's talking about. We want to shoot for 0 offset right? I may be getting a set of new wheels this month but am not sure how to go about planning all this stuff. I know the wheel offsetsfor some, but will have to go 5-lug (hence the adapter I emailed you about). 17 inch Impuls for $1000 sizes unknown 17 inch Contras for $600 F・7Jx17 +27 R・8Jx17 +33 5H/114.3 17 inch Shuteruns??? for $400 F・7Jx17 +27 R・8Jx17 +35 5H/114.3 Say for the bottom two wheels of +27 and +35, what formula would I use to get 0 offset? I know rim width and offset, all I have to do is determine the thickness for the adapters??? Anything else I have to take into account? I suppose this will mess up my 4x4 fronts since those are based on a 4lug spacer... Help! Owen
  15. What kinda wheels are those on the silver car? Never seen Panasports with offsets like that before. Owen
  16. Me too please! I can't figure it out! FAX 714-842-7688 email v8z@earthlink.net Thanks, Owen
  17. $42 for the housings and bulbs? Dang! I paid $40 per housing! Owen
  18. I have 245/55-16 on my 16x9 wheels. Car isn't running so can't say much except for the sidewalls are pretty straight. Have 225 on the front and the tires are stretching, makes them look like donuts. Owen
  19. This place has a bunch of stuff, all knock-offs of course but this one wheel may be of interest to some? The real wheels are AVS Model 6, the ones on this site are AV6... http://www.obxracingsports.com/rims/hyperspeed.html Owen
  20. Incredible, just incredible... Can't wait to see when it's done! Owen
  21. Thanks guys. I'm interested in more of that info if possible. Wonder if the Haltuner is as good as they say? Also, which bank should the 02 be mounted on? My Y-pipe is way in the back. Owen
  22. Do you stick the gauges in and silicone around them? Or do you apply the silicone first and then stick the gauges in? Owen
  23. Who's the one who used silicone and stuff? I need a new solution for keeping the tach and speedo from moving. Owen
  24. "I've been working on my neighbor's CRX for years and I never it even had an LSD, more or less a viscous-type. If it is, maybe it's the helical LSD. All the FWD LSD's I know about are the helical variety." Sorry, I meant "while I was transporting my R230 home in the back of my CRX" Owen
  25. Don't know about the Fords but the Mazda RX-7 (FD3S) uses 5 x 114.3. So does the R33 Skyline, saw a picture with one with RX-7 rims. Owen
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