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Everything posted by BrandonsZ

  1. I normally wouldn't be picky but... "know one"???
  2. That's like "Unbreakable" the movie with Bruce Willis. Freekin' amazing, he must be one of those key people in the grand plan who are supposed to do something with their life that will help mankind. I wonder if drinking beer and watching Powerblock on a sunday counts as helping mankind? I might be unbreakable too!
  3. Surprisingly enough, there is another Orange 240z in my area that sounds like it has a V8 in it. So that was probably him. I haven't really pealed out that much, I'm trying to take it easy int he first few k mi.
  4. Dude have you ever seen National Geographic? UUUUGGG!!!! Ropes.
  5. now you can say, "I'll race you from rolling start 30-80" just like the supra owners do.
  6. All kinds of time on their hands to answer surveys... Ok I admit it I filled it out, but what else am I going to do during a 1 hour lunch.
  7. I like, "no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests"
  8. When we were all getting laid off Christmas 2002, they were shutting down the whole building they had to give us the WARN letter and basically in October we knew we had 2 months left to work. They gave us the priveledge to apply for open positions in the new facility. 900 people were laid off prior to this letter, but something about the law said they had to keep us for 2 months, don't know why. Anyway, 59 of us were left in December and just wasting time till they give us our 2 weeks severence, and unemployment. During the last two weeks we did not have computers, in the last week they had us packing boxes to move junk and broken stuff to another building we would never see (I bet not even one box was labeled correctly). On the last day we were stacking chairs, they were too cheap to hire a moving company so they actually asked some of us (not me) to stay over Christmas to pack the boxes and chairs and move the cubicals onto trucks and actually had some employees driving the moving trucks. Talking about digging your own grave come on! I was out of work for 5 months and I think that was the happiest I had been for over 5 years. I have a whole new attitude of work though, I will pretty much do anything short of picking up rat droppings with me teeth, but then again, I would probably be the best paid rat dropping handler I know. Maybe I'll get bitter again if I stayed anywhere longer than 2 years, we'll see.
  9. I see your Dyno run was at some shop in Kearny Mesa, Where is this 140mph hill? Or about where?
  10. Why do you have to lower the rear? As long as the planes are parallel you should be fine with 1-2" offset in ceterline.
  11. Obviously, run it to a relay, and start the car first, get up to presure, and check the wire to be sure before you hook it up to the pump, you may want to run a seperate switch for the fuel pump to defeat this as well because the oil pressure in a sbc takes a while to build to the switch, so if you don't fdrive it for a while and the carb is dry you'll be cranking all day (I've heard). I hooked a switch to the fuel pump relay which can manually trip it just in case I wanted to "prime" the engine. I haven't needed to use it yet though, the holley pressure switch works pretty quick and I hear the pump kick in in about 3 seconds after it starts, but not while cranking. I have about 30 sec-1 minute of fuel to run the engine from the float bowls even when the fuel filters are dry (they're clear). FYI.
  12. Yeah, I get the same feeling, like it's not real, like I am going to blow it up, it's just scarry that this beast I spent 9 months on and countless thousands might just fall apart, get squirrley and crash, or brust into flames. Well after 500 miles and about a month, it's still a freekin thrill just to row through the gears. Knowing that I can smoke a ricer without downshifting is another nice feeling. No bugs so far, just a hickup here and there, like her way of showing me who's really in control. But my Volvo fuel pump failed the same day of my first test drive of the Z. What a B***, if cars could be so jelous. The thrill of the forst WOT in 4th will always stick with me, because with that much power going through 1:1 2.66:1 must be amazing although I haven't mustered the balls to do it yet, I did 80% in 2nd and that was freekin' scary. Enjoy.
  13. Shops now claim that every sys is R134a compatible, they usually evac the sys and flush, then replace the oil and charge, My 1990 volvo had this done 10 years ago, still cold (barely). remember you might spend hundreds on getting even a "free" system working and then have it crap out a year later, so beware it will take some dough, no doubt.
  14. We got it easy, at least our roaches don't hiss or fly! But yeah those buggers climb the walls to avoid the half starving stray cats.
  15. Check behind the bleachers in your local park (just don't go there at night).
  16. The following have occurred: (All true with one place I rented for 9 months during college) 1. Two strangers get into a drunken fight with each other (taking out your mailbox is optional). 2. 6 months after you call the water utility out to fix your meter because it's percolating through the valve cover with a perpetual puddle in front of your driveway that is deep enough to splash up on your car every day. They put one of those little signs that say "don't park here from 7am to 7pm" In an hour the sign is tagged, in two hours the sign is knocked down and someone is parked there, in three hours the sign is found down the street in 15 pieces. The next day you get a notice that your address could not be serviced at this time, call again. 3. The cable guy takes one look at the cable connection at the pole... in your neighbor's yard... with the pit bulls, then gets back in his truck and drives away. Later you get a notice that they cannot service your address at this time. 4. A bum walks by every day and asks for change. 5. Someone wants to come in and use your stove to "light his J". - Yeah right dude, uh my stove hasn't worked since... ever, get outta here. 6. The cockroaches run for your front door and in a remarkable triple summersault end up dead just inside your door from the daily treatments of Malathion, Raid and Borax. (you wouldn't want to see the inside of my vacuum cleaner bag back then) 7. When you move out, you leave all your old furniture and mattress... on the side of the house, next to your neighbor's rusted out lawnmower, old TV, and burnt lamp, and faded children's toys... that have weeds growing in them. 8. At 11pm the party starts. 9. At 1am the police arrive. 10. At 1:25am the party starts... with entirely different people. 11. Ghetto bird flies every night, all night. 12. Cat fights aplenty. 13. Strange smell inside... stranger smell outside. 14. At least one window is broken and has tagged plywood and duct tape on it. 15. Dead Crabgrass in the front, dirt in the back... I mean dead weeds, dead weeds. 16. Cracked driveway... I mean spots of intact driveway, and little puddles see #2. 17. Lush, tall, green grass... growing out of the gravel on the side yard. 18. Chain link fence in the front yard, Pit bulls chained to the poles. 19. Gunshots daily. 20. Monthly, the street is blocked due to police activity. That's enough, ahhh the memories. I could have taken all that, but #6 made me move out. It wears on you when you find dead bodies every freekin' morning on the kitchen floor "shudder*.
  17. According to Flowmaster, if your A/F ratio is 12-16 in normal operation, no problem, down to 11 is iffy and below 10 is destructive. Above 16 is destructive only if there is a buildup of heat.
  18. What do you mean, I've never seen easier oil filter locations.
  19. You should know if you had an ignition in the exhaust, they usually frown on that considering it sounds similar to a gunshot. Usually the Cats get dammaged from that over time too, and you'd need a A/F ratio less than 10 to trigger it usually. In my experiance.
  20. It would have been AWD with a 350, but then I realized the 350 would have to go in back because there's no room under the hood for it. And it would be very hard to keep it is sleeper. still sounds fun though.
  21. That's why the Polish gave up to the *add your country's name here*.
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